I hate Laptops

Fuzzy Logik

Aug 16, 2001

I am sick of working on these things. It's either the motherbaord needs replacement, or the DC connector needs to be soldered back on or replaced.

Two Compaq Presario, one 1245, one 1277.

The 1245 had the DC connector soldered back on properly, now it gets no power. OH BOY!

The 1277 came in to me without power. So I break out the Multi-meter. The adapter tests ok at 19 volts.

I test the Dc connector, tests ok 19 volts.

I test the fuse right behind the DC connector and the damn thing arcs! Sparks fly everytime.

Though testing the fuse proved that ti worked. We believe it's the diode next to the fuse causing it to arc when I test it with a multi-meter. Though could the diode by why power is not being applied accross the board?

I mean damn I removed everything I could... no power.
True enough. I have a 5 year old Dell notebook (A CPX model) and the right side of the keyboard stopped working recently, so I have to fix that now. Also, the damn battery is dead, so that is another piss off for sure...How amusing :rolleyes:
Laptops are designed to br replaced ever 2years. The cost might be a problem, but you are paying for the mobility.
Seer said:
Laptops are designed to br replaced ever 2years. The cost might be a problem, but you are paying for the mobility.
he has a point
I must defie the law of lap top's then, i have a 760ed thinkpad from 7th grade, im in 11th now.
suggestion: get a toshiba satellite 1415-s173 (like the old Craptacular Lappy)... they are total heaps as far as performance goes, but they are also totally stable-- i even spilled water on mine :eek: and it still runs! the battery life is down by 1hr. but it *does* work... and that's the only thing wrong with it from that incident.

that particular lappy has also gotten severely rattled around in a bookbag around campus, has probably been dropped once or twice (i can't remember if it happened but it probably did), has had me pound both wrist rests rather hard (i'd say offhand the impact was 10+ lbf.) and (more commonly) the left wrist rest has been used as an elbow rest.

further, i have *never* cleaned either the screen or the touchpad (remember this is a two year old computer now) and once got a staple caught under the "F" key (i removed the staple by poking at it with a pair of pushpins till i got a good grip... and into the trash can it went) and i've defragged the hdd maybe twice.

that computer is tougher than a flipping hummer h2. its performance may be utterly deplorable (don't run anything more intensive than office, ie, and solitaire or it'll overheat) but it is as solid as a steel boulder.
Seer said:
Laptops are designed to br replaced ever 2years. The cost might be a problem, but you are paying for the mobility.

There are plenty of notebooks many more than 2 yrs old out there, that work perfectly fine.
I think it all depends on the end user and what they do with and to it.
Yeah I had a K6-2 400mhz Sager that Ireplaced this year......bought it new when I went to college....so that would be almost 6 years ago. I do have a Compaq 386 still running.....not sure how old that would make it but it is old.
Seer said:
Laptops are designed to br replaced ever 2years. The cost might be a problem, but you are paying for the mobility.

i would hate to say it point he has a point, not a point as far as they break or messup, but the fact that the user gets tierd of it and wants a new one ,
me myself get a new one about every 2 years
now i have a toshiba m30x centrino with a radeon 9700, but i guess i will get tierd of it in about 2 years.
eriqesque said:
There are plenty of notebooks many more than 2 yrs old out there, that work perfectly fine.
I think it all depends on the end user and what they do with and to it.

Exactly, treat something like shit and it will die very soon. But...it's also true that somebody, somewhere, will get a lemon.
Fuzzy Logik said:

I am sick of working on these things. It's either the motherbaord needs replacement, or the DC connector needs to be soldered back on or replaced.

Two Compaq Presario, one 1245, one 1277.

The 1245 had the DC connector soldered back on properly, now it gets no power. OH BOY!

The 1277 came in to me without power. So I break out the Multi-meter. The adapter tests ok at 19 volts.

I test the Dc connector, tests ok 19 volts.

I test the fuse right behind the DC connector and the damn thing arcs! Sparks fly everytime.

Though testing the fuse proved that ti worked. We believe it's the diode next to the fuse causing it to arc when I test it with a multi-meter. Though could the diode by why power is not being applied accross the board?

I mean damn I removed everything I could... no power.

Test the diode. Cut one leg so you can take it out of circuit, then apply the diode test function of a multimeter. You should get a small voltage drop one way, and infinite resistance the opposite way.
As a side note my DC power in on my Compaq Armada 110 is fritzing out now. If I move the laptop it makes a horrible squeal from the speakers and shuts off. I took the laptop apart and wiggled the DC power in around and the soldering looks tight, so I dunno. I hate laptops too. My battery lasts 8 seconds :p
my boss is a lazy ass one time he soldered on the dc connector and didn't want to have to get it to fit right so he sent one of the guys down to radioshack to get the power cord and he soldered a red and black connector to the mobo and it hung out the back. then he got a power cord to attch to the hideous connector sticking out the back of the case