I hate spoiled brats (Dad sells son's Xbox360 for $100)

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arabdon1203 said:
That's a little over the top. Sure I believe in a smack every now and then but beating the shit out of? Totally uneccesary imo. A good parent doesn't need to beat the shit out of their kid.
Having kids fear you 24/7 is not good at all, and not allowing them to have and voice their opinion (in an apropriate manner, not screaming on the floor) is even worse imo. Too many people go to the extremes, IE: No discipline at all or having their kids hide like mice in the corner

I was scared to talk back to my dad. Of course, not anymore but longer than most of my friends, even longer than my older sister and brother. I've noticed that I've always been a bit quiet around adults too (not scared), but i dontk now if that's associated with being smacked so many times...
Warlord said:
....then maybe just maybe by the kids birthday given he had changed his attitude he would finally get the xbox SOLD TO HIM. I think that would be far more punishment than simply selling or smashing the item at hand . Think about day after day when ya got home the 1 think ya wanted most and your dads wearing the thing out right in front of you and ya can't even touch it.Muuhhhhaaaa!!!!!

not sure I buy this.

I think that is the wrong way to fix the problem. Someone earlier that "getting even" with the kid is only going to bring them to his level.

I advocate showing that kid that he will not get what he wants, but the kid probably wasn't this big of a brat at birth. It's got to be the parents giving in all the time.

Shit, I'm a good 22 year old kid and I'm not getting a 360 :p
Yes I absolutly HATE spoiled brats. One day when I was paintballing I saw this little 10 year old or something there. He had a the works w/ his gun and all. Bought about $120 in paint most likely. When his mom comes to pick him up he cusses her out! I was just standing in amazment as she took this and then AND THEN let him stay an hour longer.

Parents need to lay down the law when things get that messed up. If not for their own sakes but for their children who will learn a very very bitter lesson once they move out.
Kristo said:
so, how is Scott?
the kid is deathly afraid of everything. when i say everything, i mean everything. He avoids completely and wholly any situation in which he doesnt think his parents would fully accept him doing. To include, (me and him are roomates in college now quite a distance from home), driving somewhere without asking permission first, and hes sooooooo afraid of making a mistake in anything that he will avoid taking actions he cant rewind/redo, thats why hes a computer gamer, and sadly still a virgin. O, i forgot hes also overly compliant. I mean hes a nice kid and my best friend, ive known him for so long now, but some people, and i see it all the time, take advantage of him and thats when i gots to pull out my blade and cut some people up.
Agromahdi123 said:
the kid is deathly afraid of everything. when i say everything, i mean everything. He avoids completely and wholly any situation in which he doesnt think his parents would fully accept him doing. To include, (me and him are roomates in college now quite a distance from home), driving somewhere without asking permission first, and hes sooooooo afraid of making a mistake in anything that he will avoid taking actions he cant rewind/redo, thats why hes a computer gamer, and sadly still a virgin.

:-/ I feel bad for him. Even worse that you're spreading his business :p
Agromahdi123 said:
...and sadly still a virgin. .

what's so sad about being a virgin? ..if he is married and still a virgin , then yeah ..that would qualify as a problem.

arabdon1203 said:
:-/ I feel bad for him. Even worse that you're spreading his business :p
well none of you would ever be able to find this kid, even if i gave you his last name. His name is a very generic american name.

ThreeDee said:
what's so sad about being a virgin? ..if he is married and still a virgin , then yeah ..that would qualify as a problem.
well he views it as a big negative in his life. Sometimes when i was with my ex and she would spend the night with me in our room, the next day he would be very saddened by the fact that hes "never gotten laid". I watched the 40yr old virgin and the part where they spoke of the "Pussy Pedestal" well thats a pretty accurate description of how important he thinks it is. In fact this summer even i told him, forget about getting laid and dont think about it so much and it will happen, but as much as i try to help him, and i do, his confidence is low, but i have good news about him though, and that is that after this college semester hes been getting better, and not being so nervous about everything. I can tell cause he stutters/repeats himself less.
Agromahdi123 said:
well none of you would ever be able to find this kid, even if i gave you his last name. His name is a very generic american name.

well he views it as a big negative in his life. Sometimes when i was with my ex and she would spend the night with me in our room, the next day he would be very saddened by the fact that hes "never gotten laid". I watched the 40yr old virgin and the part where they spoke of the "Pussy Pedestal" well thats a pretty accurate description of how important he thinks it is. In fact this summer even i told him, forget about getting laid and dont think about it so much and it will happen, but as much as i try to help him, and i do, his confidence is low, but i have good news about him though, and that is that after this college semester hes been getting better, and not being so nervous about everything. I can tell cause he stutters/repeats himself less.

damn, get him some drunk bitches. Like in the movie. :p
The only thing i'd worry about if i were the parents, is the brat suffering another mental crack, and doing something sick, like filling the poor parents up with led while they sleep.Seems to me that if the kid will lose it and kick his father's $2000 stereo system, then he is probably capable of much worse.

They are doing the right thing by selling the 360, no doubt, but they also might want to hospitalize the kid and get him some behavior modification therapy before he turns 16, and/or does something that really hurts someone, like burn the house down or take a baseball bat to someone with a digressing opinion to his.

Best of luck to his parents.They're going to need it.

.................................Though i'd love to be a fly on the wall, the moment the kid realizes he just got the world's first and only charcoal 360.LMAO!
killdroidxx said:
Yes I absolutly HATE spoiled brats. One day when I was paintballing I saw this little 10 year old or something there. He had a the works w/ his gun and all. Bought about $120 in paint most likely. When his mom comes to pick him up he cusses her out! I was just standing in amazment as she took this and then AND THEN let him stay an hour longer.

Parents need to lay down the law when things get that messed up. If not for their own sakes but for their children who will learn a very very bitter lesson once they move out.

Yeah I absolutely disdain and I mean absolutely that kind of behavior from children to a parent. It represents total lack of discipline and furthermore a total disrespect for a parent which can lead to total disrespect for other adults. I have absolutely no qualms about seeing a child being spanked in public without question, And have even on one occasion lended total support and encouragement to a mother of a what had to be a 7-10 year old who I saw do this type of behavior in my local safeway grocery store, of course she just looked at me and nodded her thanks but I told her that no one else in here can teach her kid respect like she can, the nice feeling was that she wasn't sure she should be disciplining her son like that, but I told her that yeah just you wait till he's older you'll see he'll come to you and actually thank you for it. If not at least feel that way towards it guaranteed.
I don't know whether or not the whole Xbox360 incident is real or not, but it shows that parents need to show who is in control at an early age. If I screwed up really bad, my dad would spank me hard; he did not need a paddle with those huge hands of his. My mom did not spank but called him in as backup when needed. My folks laid down the law early, but they also knew that if they did not show love and that I could come to them for help/support, I would likely hate them. Due to a balanced mix of discipline/love, I we have few issues. The instances of spoiled kids just says to me that parents have not laid down the law and have not show the kid that they, the parents, are in control. As the child gets older, the parents give up more of their control to the kid if the kid is mature enough.
i can kinda relate however with my 20 year old sister
After barely 2 months she does this to her new laptop :mad:



and she decided to yank out her notpad card instead of pushing in the button for it to eject

Shes not spoiled just extremely annoying
This thread should be renamed "[H]ard guide to parenting". IMO, you guys are way overanalyzing the situation, given that we know VERY little about this family. The guy sold an XBox 360 for $100 to punish his kid. Great. Now can we PLEASE move on?
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