I have 4GB of RAM what should my Pagefile size be?


Limp Gawd
Sep 14, 2005
I always read 1.5x your RAM, when you have more make it 1:1.

But my question is, I have 4GB of ram, but 6GB or 4GB pagefile seems kinda stupid, or is it?

What should I do?
Everybody will tell you something different, although generally the ideal way is to test your system at full load (approximately what you'd expect to be the most amount of stuff you'd run simultaneously) and gauge it based off those numbers. Some applications or games might complain if you don't have a certain amount, though.

Personally - and I have 4GB of RAM - I spread my pagefile over 3 HDDs, each with 1536MB (512x3) min/max (4608 total).
Effective performance boost gained from manually fiddling with Pagefile rather than allowing Windows to manage it?

= "A poofteenth of a dust mite's fart!"