I have a Antec Truepower 430 Upgrade?


Mar 15, 2005
my antec truepower 430w doesnt seem to be ready for a amd 64 upgrade. Right now on idle the 12v rail is 11.968, the 5v rail is at 4.892 and the 3.3v rail is at 3.28. The 3 and 5v rails fluctuate alot. I've seen the 3.3 at 3.0. I dont want to kill the bank, but what should I upgrade to from this that will be worth it? I'l be overclocking a venice on a nf4 board. I really dont want to spend 100 on a motherboard, but if thats my only option I guess I will have to.
BeeIzebub said:
my antec truepower 430w doesnt seem to be ready for a amd 64 upgrade. Right now on idle the 12v rail is 11.968, the 5v rail is at 4.892 and the 3.3v rail is at 3.28. The 3 and 5v rails fluctuate alot. I've seen the 3.3 at 3.0. I dont want to kill the bank, but what should I upgrade to from this that will be worth it? I'l be overclocking a venice on a nf4 board. I really dont want to spend 100 on a motherboard, but if thats my only option I guess I will have to.

Ok how are you getting those readings? Software or multimeter?

After that 100 dollars is better than what people usually throw at us :) What are your exact system specs?
I'm using the asus probe for my current asus a7n8x deluxe board. Its a 3000 barton oc'd to 2350. A gig of valueram, two hard drives, two optical, an overclocked 9700 non pro. No fans except for the one 120mm on my radiator. My pump does not run off the psu.
BeeIzebub said:
I'm using the asus probe for my current asus a7n8x deluxe board.

Ok the asus probe is useless as it is software based. However with the upgrade you will want a new PSU.

Its a 3000 barton oc'd to 2350. A gig of valueram, two hard drives, two optical, an overclocked 9700 non pro. No fans except for the one 120mm on my radiator. My pump does not run off the psu.

So assuming we keep all this in the upgrade and just swap proc and mobo......

Check this antec:

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16817103930 90

This Fortron:

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16817104934 91

This Enermax:

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16817103457 94

This Seasonic:

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16817151024 109

Give those a look and see what you like. Feel free to price them elsewhere egg just used cause I have them bookmarked for these kinds of things :D
BeeIzebub said:
much appreciated!

No problem. If you have any other questions....stop back by. I am sure others will add their opinion so check back for that as well.
BeeIzebub said:
my antec truepower 430w doesnt seem to be ready for a amd 64 upgrade. Right now on idle the 12v rail is 11.968, the 5v rail is at 4.892 and the 3.3v rail is at 3.28. The 3 and 5v rails fluctuate alot. I've seen the 3.3 at 3.0. I dont want to kill the bank, but what should I upgrade to from this that will be worth it? I'l be overclocking a venice on a nf4 board. I really dont want to spend 100 on a motherboard, but if thats my only option I guess I will have to.
if you are not running a waterblock, SLi video, AND a RAID array, 430 watts ANTEC is fine.

you dont need more.

and to boot, ANTEC's true power, electrical supplies are above par.
DeepFreeze said:
if you are not running a waterblock, SLi video, AND a RAID array, 430 watts ANTEC is fine.

you dont need more.

and to boot, ANTEC's true power, electrical supplies are above par.

Except the op said :

I'l be overclocking a venice on a nf4 board

Plugging a 20pin PSU into a 24pin connector and then OCing it is not the best plan.