I have Low Graphic-itus


Aug 12, 2004
tommorow my gt's arive, over the past years i have always bought budget cards and used outdated cards and played games at low graphics, the last time i had an up to date PC with up to date vid card was when the Geforce 3 ti500, with p4 1.6ghz, haha and at the time i remember hearing "yea bro this video card will be able to run doom3 when it comes out"...ive been gaming since prince of persia 1 dropped, and like starcontrol 1, wolfenstein 3d etc, so waiting for doom3 the past couple years is....ehh im off topic

wut im saying is, whats it going to be like? entering this world of being able to have my graphics up...being able to run higher resolutions? im scared...

according to fedex tracker the gt's are at the sorting facility 30 minutes south of my house... so there is no way im not getting them tommorow haha...well enough ranting :D
meh...i play enemy territory competitively and have my graphics all low. i don't mind having my game look shity at all anymore because of it. so if i have to play doom 3 looking shity then i will do it. but i've seen screenshots at its lowest settings and it still doesn't look shity so thats fine by me. i only got a 9600pro. i should be able to turn it up to medium i think. but yeah i don't care about how my game looks any more.
If you're into online competitive gaming, your video card would most likely be running at low-res stuff with crappy modes enabled anyway. Why? You want to make sure no matter what you'll see the enemy and destroy em :p. Take all the "gosu" CS players out there. All the sponsered kids are running like top of the line P4 EE's and FX's (Depending on sponsers), yet they're running their crap at 800x600 or 640x480. It might just be CS, but I'm pretty sure it applies to most online gaming. Other then that, a single player experience is AMPLIFED by a lot playing some of these new games with higher resolutions. I'm a believer, 1600x1200 vs 800x600 d3 is a totally different experience.