I just can't get into WoW

v3rt1g0 said:
If you're at 6 and bored, there is NO MMO that can ever hope to please you.

This is a true statement. And consider yourself one of the lucky ones. Personally, I can't escape from it no matter how much Blizzard makes me hate them.
cuemasterfl said:
Stick with it. At level 6, assuming you're an Alliance Human, you only just ventured into Goldshire. There's just SO much to this game. It really gets better later. Also, it does depend on the character you play. My first character was a Paladin. I got him to level 42, then got bored with him. So, I started a NE Hunter, and got to 60. I absolutely LOVE the hunter! Now I am level 60, I am waiting for the next patch which will give me gold instead of XP for completing quests. This, for me, is an incentive to keep playing.

No I'm a Rogue...which seems that it might be one of the hardest to start as since I have little armor and my attacks suck right now so stealth doesn't help.

I love MMORPGS, like Guild Wars is fun...I just hate the cap.

My fave of all time for some reason was PSO...so many people played it :)
FoxhoundOp said:
I've found that WoW is one of those games that is very enjoyable if you're playing with a group. When I started playing, there were 4 or 5 people in my Battlefield clan who had just started also. I say find a guild or a group of people to quest together with. Make some friends. I find that this game is particularly enjoyable when played in a group, but boring when you play it alone.

For all the people that say it's boring, for curiosity's sake, what do you play that you DO enjoy? Please don't tell me it's an FPS.:rolleyes:

I took time off from RPG types....

but my faves of all time have been

Diablo series
CS 1.6 and source
Mechwarrior Series (I love mechs I wish there were new mech games)
ehh that's bout it.
ray4389 said:
No I'm a Rogue...which seems that it might be one of the hardest to start as since I have little armor and my attacks suck right now so stealth doesn't help.

I love MMORPGS, like Guild Wars is fun...I just hate the cap.

My fave of all time for some reason was PSO...so many people played it :)
If you liked GW, stick with WoW a little longer. There is so much more to WoW than GW that it's not funny. Rogues are great fun 1-59.
I've played 3 characters 1-60 and then ebayed them as soon as I leveled for the last two because I reallized its not fun when there is nothing more to accomplish, and its nice to get a modest return in money for the time you put in.
Dan_D said:
I am the same way. Most MMO's just don't do it for me. You quest, level up, get new gear, repeat.

Boring. :eek:

That's what people like about them. I enjoy going to the next new uber raid dungeon to find the best loot and fight the hardest bosses. That is the whole motivation behind MMOs at high levels. The acquisition of superior items for various reasons: the way they look, beating others in PVP, gloating about it or just using it to get to the next level of raiding. What I didn't like about WoW was the 500 person queues, 25 second lag, repeated server crashes and rollbacks, world server down and the game in between new raids.
Ray, I agree 100%. I got that game when it came out, fired it up, played for a whole weekend, and at the end of the weekend I was a level 8 and I just realized how much time I wasted. I am not trying to make fun of MMOs, believe me I am not, they are just not for me. When I play video games, I want to jump right into the action, not spend days and days trying to actually get to some action. I am glad that people enjoy MMOs and I am happy for Blizzard on how successful WoW has been, but it is just not for me. :/