I just played Red Orchestra for the first time


Sep 7, 2004
And I am in love with this mod. No other mod/game has grabbed me like this game except for Enemy Territory and Unreal Tournament. :D

Tense moments are there especially when you are slowly making your way next to a wall, getting to an enemy position. The only thing that matches that was when I played the marine in Aliens vs Predator 2.

One problem seems to be that there are very few servers and its very tough to drive a tank because you cannot seem to switch camera modes. The panzer is very tough to aim right but I guess I need more practive there.

Any tips for the RO noob?

i play on the CiA/CoR servers and the RODevs East ones

Tanks, well if your the commander you can change views w/the middle mouse, but if your the driver all you can do is open and close the hatch so you don't get shot/can see more or less.

aiming the cannon is kinda like the scopes on the german and russian sniper rifles, the target should be at the very tip of the triangle...if that makes sence?

i really like RO, i bought UT2003/UT2004 just for it.