I keep hearing that triple channel is no faster than dual channel...


Jul 20, 2008
is this true...? I could see that being true on a board that supports triple channel memory but only in dual channel mode, but wouldn't triple channel memory in true triple channel mode be faster...? or is it just another marketing ploy to fleece the unsuspecting masses...
Even single channel to dual channel is nothing special. I don't think they've ever been able to prove real world performance boost except in some extensive memory/cpu intensive situations which is like running games on lowest absolute settings just to see if you can get 200-300 fps for benchmarking purposes. Going from single to dual might see a few % boost in frame rate at this level which sounds like a lot but it's not.
Even single channel to dual channel is nothing special. I don't think they've ever been able to prove real world performance boost except in some extensive memory/cpu intensive situations which is like running games on lowest absolute settings just to see if you can get 200-300 fps for benchmarking purposes. Going from single to dual might see a few % boost in frame rate at this level which sounds like a lot but it's not.

kinda like running dual channel RAM in single channel, I've seen posts on message boards where posters did benchmarks with same amounts of DDR2 RAM, but one with 2 sticks equaling that amount and one with only one stick and they pretty much showed that there wasn't a very noticeable difference...
Yes, it is faster. But will you gain from it? That depends on what you are doing.
Yes I keep on hearing that too, and I envy the people who have core i7/ddr3 :) Still using a core 2 duo e4300 and 4gb ddr2 800mhz :eek::mad: so slow.. for what i do at least.