I love Steam.


Feb 28, 2005
Yeah, Steam is awesome, never had a problem with it.

It's got everything a gamer would ever want.

Friends List, Games List (With the possibility to add Non-Steam games), Auto-Updates, Chat with Voice or Text, Most of all it has, the best games out there.

It only uses 35mb RAM, vs. Firefox using 70mb with one tab... or MSN using also 20mb with no chat windows open...

The Skin on Steam also matches my Blackbox skin perfectly.
Yeah I don't have to keep track of where I put my CDs. When games get released I don't have to go to the store to buy them, or wait for them to get shipped to my house. I talk to friends on there, see what they are playing, etc. :)
Nothing is better then being able to shift tab and chat with other people.
Yeah I don't have to keep track of where I put my CDs. When games get released I don't have to go to the store to buy them, or wait for them to get shipped to my house. I talk to friends on there, see what they are playing, etc. :)

That's about right, but you can't sell games that you own on steam, which is a big flaw. I don't mind getting games, especially used one's on ebay.
That's about right, but you can't sell games that you own on steam, which is a big flaw. I don't mind getting games, especially used one's on ebay.

I don't sell any of my games so its not really a flaw to me, for others its a different story. Steam really is just fantastic.
I love Steam. My only gripe is that I can't activate Company of Heroes (retail) with it. I will try activating bioshock (retail) with it later..
Steam is a LOT better now, it used to be complete crap, though.. when it first came around.
That's about right, but you can't sell games that you own on steam, which is a big flaw. I don't mind getting games, especially used one's on ebay.

Well, I only buy games that I don't plan on selling. :)
That's about right, but you can't sell games that you own on steam, which is a big flaw. I don't mind getting games, especially used one's on ebay.

That's against pretty much any EULA anyhow. I've never sold a PC game in my life.

I love Steam because I can not play a game for 2 years, reinstall steam, login, and boom, it's got all my information and I can just download it. No having to look for lost manuals or boxes with CD keys, or find scratched CDs, etc.

I can't play BF2 right now because I have everything but my old CDkey. I THOUGHT it was like BF2142 where I could just login to an account, because the account is what is attached to the serial.. but no.. it's not. I login to my account, and get "invalid CDkey" (I used a keygen) when I try to play games. So now I wait and hope that they'll send me a new key, or my old one.

Probably doesnt help that due to anger at their accounting system 2 years ago and having to remake nicknames 50 times before it let me actually MAKE a nickname, I wound up going with IHATEBF2ACCOUNTMGMT.. Not sure if they'll be helpful with my name being that.
No issues with steam here.. Some people have had issues, I will not deny that, but some people just seem to enjoy hating on something..
That's against pretty much any EULA anyhow. I've never sold a PC game in my life.

I love Steam because I can not play a game for 2 years, reinstall steam, login, and boom, it's got all my information and I can just download it. No having to look for lost manuals or boxes with CD keys, or find scratched CDs, etc.

I get this. I do not hate Steam, I only own one game on it. I just don't like buying games through Steam. Image if you have a bunch of games on Steam, and each of them is ~8GB, then it's gonna take a while to download them all, right? And if you don't have super fast internet connection, then you have a problem.. Anyways, I don't use it much, so I have no complaints.
The Skin on Steam also matches my Blackbox skin perfectly.

The skin is one of my least favorite parts. I'm not a big fan of skinned apps. I'm especially not a fan of skins that remove standard GUI components like maximize.
is it possible to activate games that I bought at a B&M store (such as Company of Heroes, ETQW, etc.) in steam? I'm not talking about the shortcut thing but activate it so it is truly on steam?

Now that I know how good Steam's server browser is I'm going to buying games exclusively on Steam.
I'm happy with the progress this thread has made. Nobody is fighting yet, and nobody is flaming me :) If anyone starts to, you can burn in Hell.

The skin is one of my least favorite parts. I'm not a big fan of skinned apps. I'm especially not a fan of skins that remove standard GUI components like maximize.

Yeah, but look how nicely it goes with my Blackbox theme.
when you get busy servers their download time get kinda bad,but generally no complaints