I made an Uber N00b mistake. How much will this hurt me?


Jun 27, 2004
Well guys I think I really screwed up this time. I was all done placing my order from Danger Den (RBX, Maze 4 GPU, Heatercore, Hydor L35, etc. All with the 1/2" fittings) and the last thing to get was the tubing.
So I went to the tubing section and I see some writing in bold red. It says "3/8" ID Tubing will fit around 1/2" OD fittings."
So in my Uber n00bness I said "ok, they say I should get the 5/8" OD then."
And so without even another thought, I bought 9ft of the Tygon stuff for like $20.

Only now that my order has gotten here (still waiting for some stuff from Frozencpu) that I realize my mistake. They do go on the fittings, but with a lot of effort.

But the big question is, how much is this going to hurt my performance if I stay with it?

And yes I will be overclocking my AMD 2400+ Mobile.

Oh, and even though on the DD site it says that the L35 has a max flow rate of 320Gph it really has 450. Don't know if that matters though.

Damn this sucks...I was really excited about all this too. And the sad part is I don't have enough money to get 9ft of the 1/2" ID tubing :( I feel like such an idiot. Please help me!

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Edit: After doing some Googleing and reading some other stuff in various forums, it turns out that my mistake may not have been as large as I had imagined. Is this true?
I read that 3/8" makes the pressure higher and hardly reduces flow at all. Is this true?
Also, it is really hard to get this tubing on the 1/2" fitting on all the components. Any tips for making it easier?

Thank you for any help that you can give to a poor helpless n00b. : )
well right off you shouldnt need 9ft of hose man...thats alot of hose ! I bought 10 feet for myself since I plan on redoing my loop later on...and even then I still got like 4+ feet of it left.

now as far as hurting performance goes...I cant say for sure but I can tell you right off unless yoru useing those O ring seated barbs on everything...well your normal 1/2in OD fittings are 3/8in anyways... so it may hurt..it may not
alphaone said:
Also, it is really hard to get this tubing on the 1/2" fitting on all the components. Any tips for making it easier?

Thank you for any help that you can give to a poor helpless n00b. : )

try soaking the ends in hot water just before you put them on the barbs. The hot water will soften up the tubing and allow it to expand over the barb.
The difference in performance/ temps with 3/8" compared to 1/2" will probably be very minimal. As long as you have a good pump, you'll be fine.
Ok thanks guys :)

Oh and I got the 9ft of tubing since this is my first time. Just in case I mess up. :rolleyes: