I might be a moron but... (Black Mesa)


Mean Old Administrator
Jan 12, 2004
How in the hell do you launch this game? I installed it and it created no shortcut, it's not on my library list, there's no executable in the install folder, if I launch HL2 it just comes up w/my save games, if I launch the SDK there's no option in there....the only way I can figure out to play it is to reinstall the thing and check the launch now button.
I read that you're supposed to restart steam. Not tried it myself, though.
Ahh, that did it. No good for those of use who only reboot for windows updates. :)

You do have to restart Steam. I finished the game yesterday in one long game. Aside from a few minor bugs and some weird lag issue towards the end, it was definitely very well made. The quality was that of HL2 easily.
It's ok Oldie. This old timer did the same thing.

After 10 minutes of trying to figure out how to play it. I got a pop up to restart steam....once I did I was like "O....there it is"
I read that you have to have the 2007 SDK installed, which I already did. I just launched the 2007 SDK, then quit, and it showed up in my games list. For those of you who don't want to restart Steam give that a try.
I could have sworn that it said as soon as it got done installing "You must restart Steam for the game to show up in your library." I assume everyone is so used to clicking finish without reading that they missed it.
Hehe, I did the same thing. I hunted for a damn executable or a steam app in my library for probably 20 minutes, before I checked out the other black Mesa thread where someone mentioned restarting steam. Glad I wasn't the only one.
I downloaded this last night and am anxious to play it. Glad I found this thread or I would be having some anger issues. :p
haha. soon as my install finished I restarted steam because I'd already read this thread. On the shoulders of noobs I climb!
On the shoulders of noobs I climb!

OMG that is soooooo sig worthy. I may just steal that.......... ;)

I gave it a try today. Runs like butter on my machine, with VSync off it rocks about 250 FPS and uses about 70% of my video cards.

Brought back a ton of memories of the first time I launched Half Life. Most of them good, some of them bad but overall, a great feeling.

Was funny as hell that I forgot entirely about the things on the ceilings that pull you up and walked into a pack of them. They say memory is the first thing to go as you get older......