I miss compusa/circuit city

Comp USA is more competitive now but they still whore out only a few brands. So selection on some things is VERY limited.
Richmond, VA here. Nothing but Best Buy. Well and Hhgregg...but they carry not a single computer item. They only sell them. Closest thing is a Microcenter 134 miles away lol. I remember when we had a store called EggHead Software and CompUSA here. Only things we've had. Sucks that CompUSA went under but their retail prices were quite high.

You have unitek and ntk..........

As a consultant in the area I know what you mean. Pretty much everything needs to be ordered. We only really pick up memory, hard drives and power supplies(power supplies from office max). Usually because it is something we need right away. We hit norfolk wire for any cables.

Comp USA is more competitive now but they still whore out only a few brands. So selection on some things is VERY limited.

Tiger Direct tried to fuck me out of under 200 bucks back in the late 90's. I still refuse to deal with them. That mistake has costs them hundred of thousands of dollars in sales. Stepfather and I ordered some scsi cards for 2 zip drives we had bought(old school sneaker networking). Ordered them over the phone. and after like 2.5 or 3 weeks called to see what was going on. They had run out of stock on that model, were not getting anymore in, and saw no reason why they should have told us this. They then fought with us over a refund for something they by their own admission had no intention on shipping to us. Took multiple phone calls to get the refund. I can't remember if we ended up doing a charge back or telling a CS manager that we were done and the next call was to start a chargeback to get the money back.

Use to laugh at the people that got screwed over their rebates a few years ago. If you looked up their info you would see all sorts of issues with them.
I miss Circuit City. I always used to go in that store, and to be honest I thought it was MUCH better than Best Buy. Best Buy is mediocre, but that's about it. There is a MicroCenter that is somewhat close that I occassionally go to, but typically its not worth the drive unless the deal is very good or I am making multiple purchases...
I miss Circuit City. I always used to go in that store, and to be honest I thought it was MUCH better than Best Buy. Best Buy is mediocre, but that's about it. There is a MicroCenter that is somewhat close that I occassionally go to, but typically its not worth the drive unless the deal is very good or I am making multiple purchases...

I had but they just made way too many mistakes. Getting out of appliances was a big one. Pretty much everyone in my area though of them and sears for appliances. They gave the market to best buy in that area.
Circuit City had a horrible floor plan and checkout system. In one location here, you had to pay at either the customer service counter or find someone at one of the little computer stations littered around the store. The lighting was poor, and floors were dark tile with dark red carpet and the ceilings were low. One of the other locations that came in later had none of these issues, but the other 2 stores in my range did.
the new compusa isent that great. went to the one here in houston. like a poster said above they whore out only a few brands. need more of a selection. i can only stand so much infiinity crap. bb loses buisness because they dont have enough computer "parts" like what frys has and microcenter. i think thats what hurt cc also. not everyone wants to buy an assembled pc they want to build it.
Circuit City had a horrible floor plan and checkout system. In one location here, you had to pay at either the customer service counter or find someone at one of the little computer stations littered around the store. The lighting was poor, and floors were dark tile with dark red carpet and the ceilings were low. One of the other locations that came in later had none of these issues, but the other 2 stores in my range did.

Every Cicuit City I've ever seen suffered from the same design issues you mentioned.
Circuit City had a horrible floor plan and checkout system. In one location here, you had to pay at either the customer service counter or find someone at one of the little computer stations littered around the store. The lighting was poor, and floors were dark tile with dark red carpet and the ceilings were low. One of the other locations that came in later had none of these issues, but the other 2 stores in my range did.

I loved CC and hate BB with enormous passion but I think you nailed it when speaking of CC's floor plans. They sucked and made the stores seem dated. I'm sure there is some psychological study on this...as a consumer who wants to go buy the latest and greatest electronic from a place that seems like its stuck in the early 90's or whatever? I'm sure the avg. consumer base doesn't. For me personally this didn't bother me at all as it meant less people and traffic to deal with. What was ironic for me was when I shopped at some of the older styled stores versus the new ones, I found the old one's much easier to navigate. The newer styled CC stores that were modeled after BB probably just didn't make sense in my little twisted mind. :eek:
Richmond, VA here. Nothing but Best Buy. Well and Hhgregg...but they carry not a single computer item. They only sell them. Closest thing is a Microcenter 134 miles away lol. I remember when we had a store called EggHead Software and CompUSA here. Only things we've had. Sucks that CompUSA went under but their retail prices were quite high.

same here, Norfolk, VA., HHGreg just opened a store here but I didn't see any computer stuff in the grand opening flyer so I just threw it away, I would sacrifice one of my neighbors' children at the alter if a Frys or Microcenter opened up here, some of y'all are just spoiled and don't know how good you really have it "complaining" about MC and Frys, Jeebus...

a lot of the time I get quicker shipping from the [H]ard masses, [H]ard FS forum FTW...
computer city

all retailers suck to a certain degree. regardless the more competition the better. they ALL have their own perks however big or small.
I miss the old CompUSA, you could window shop for all kinds of hardware & software more closely tied to computers.

Best Buy is now about 50% media between movies, music and games. And about 25% TVs. Computers fit in there with everything else. Their selection is becoming sickly.

CompUSA couldn't compete on price, though. One exception, you could always get a WD hard drive for a slightly better price than online when they went on sale. At the time, online sellers didn't do sales and price cuts that often. They were everyday low prices instead.

Personally I'd wish some of the online retailers would go back to everyday low prices and ditch the sales. It makes buying components for a system a long drawn out affair.
CC's going out of business sale was a joke, all they did was mark down their already inflated prices to levels that still weren't anywhere near online prices, a friend and I went on the second to last day before they were closing and they had a shit ton of external hdds left because they were selling the externsal drives for "60% off" and the prices were still $20-$30 more than regular non sale online prices...

CC's going out of business sale was a joke, all they did was mark down their already inflated prices to levels that still weren't anywhere near online prices, a friend and I went on the second to last day before they were closing and they had a shit ton of external hdds left because they were selling the externsal drives for "60% off" and the prices were still $20-$30 more than regular non sale online prices...


Yeah that's how Comp USA did it too. I went to both "going out of business" sales and they were a joke. There wasn't anything there I couldn't get on Newegg or some place else for less.
i sympathize with those of you without a MC, fry, or comp use. chicago use to suck for that reason now we have frys, microcenter, comp usa, and best buy competinv for our money. frys and mc are currently winning :p
I know that CompUSA is still around, just Etailing only. Their site looks almost identical to TigerDirect... facepalm...
I miss all of the hole-in-the-wall mom-and-pop shops in my area. The local Frys basically put each and every one of them out of business.

I miss the computer shows too, dont see those anymore either. Anyone else in Cali remember the commercial they ran for like 5 years, showing a PC running an MPEG-1 clip of Terminator 2?