I need a huge honkin' case!!!


Apr 1, 2008
Im about to piece together a sweet rig but my Raidmax RX-9, though a massive case, is having room issues with two 9800 gtx's in sli. Im going to be basically building a new rig from scratch. It will have Tri-SLI and all the other goodies that go along with a high end rig. So Im thinking the Thermaltake Mozart tx. Anyone have an opinion about this case? Im looking at the one with the black sides and the silver frame. Im also open to suggestions of another case providing it is a huge case that has a distinctive style to it. So help me gawd no one better say the Sunbeam Transformer case.......That has got to be the ugliest case I have ever seen.
buy a coolermaster cosmos or something. you could house an american cities homeless in one of those muddy-funsters
The Rocketfish/Lian-Li tower found at Best Buy for $47.99 on clearance is an absolute steal. Should be plenty big. :)
There is also a Silverstone TJ-09 or TJ-10 if you want a little better quality than Coolermaster.
I have triple-SLi with 8800 GTXs.
I use the CoolerMaster Stacker EVO 830.
There is one type that comes with a 1000W PSU for just slightly more than the cost of the PSU. It was reviewed here just recently.

The 830 has plenty of room.
lian li pc v2000

huuuuge case

wish i got the 1200 instead a couple months ago :( makes airflow a problem, long case is long!

also you might need some sort of padding, my top of my case hums unless there's a book or something on top of it
Thanks for all your replies guys. Everyone offered some fantastic suggestions as to other cases and I will be checking them all out. But does anyopne here actually own the Thermaltake Mozart tx ? I'd love to hear of that one as well.....

That huge mountain mod case caught my eye too! :D