I need a life....

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Limp Gawd
Aug 14, 2001
I'm a 33yr old man sitting at work waiting on Fedex like a kid waiting to goto the candy store...

I think I clicked on the tracking page 100 times in the last 1/2 hour waiting for it to say delivered so I can run downstairs to pickup the package from our office services dept.


(for what its worth, it's an MSI 180 w/ 2-250gig hdd's, 8x dvdrw and a gig of memory and a processor)
Originally posted by GSRwBOOST
(for what its worth, it's an MSI 180 w/ 2-250gig hdd's, 8x dvdrw and a gig of memory)

:eek: :eek:

Nice purchase! I don't blame ya :D
fedex doesn't update in real time like UPS does, so you wont ever see the "package delivered" ..

sorry to rain on your parade, lol

nice purchase, and good luck with it!

ok so now i start bothering the guys downstairs!

i need a new hobby...

i brought a CAMERA to WORK because i wanted to take PICTURES of my new COMPUTER!!!!!

thats truely sad on my part
haha, whenver i wait for an order, i literally cant sleep. its allright 33 year old guy, your talking to your own kind,
hell i was at work and not only did i see "package delivered" but who signed for it, i love fedex
I go to a store and pick up at the same time that I purchase. I may not always get the very best price but at least I don't have any sleepless nights as I wait for my purchase to arrive. Instead I almost kill myself getting home in record time so that I can install whatever I just bought, RIGHT NOW! :D
OH MY GOD!, this post is EXACTLY what i'm thinking right now. i have checked the tracking page on fedex at least 30 times today, waiting about every 20 minutes or so to hit f5...since this is the first computer i'm ever building, i can't freaking wait. i checked the status around 10:30 this morning, and it said: package left the fedex ramp in tampa at 12:00 A.M. , so i was thinking YAYAYAYAY! my computer is coming today! now though, i called fedex an hour ago, and evidently they didn't assemble the packages or something, so it's probably still in tampa (an hour away). but the thing that really sucks is i have today off, and work 4-10:30 tomorrow, and off wednesday. so i was REALLY, REALLY hoping my computer would come today so i could go on it and mess around, and just have fun. but no, i have to partially assemble it tomorrow, and then finish it wednesday afternoon. :( :( :(
Originally posted by The_In_Kid
you could always post more on honda-tech :D


and who might you be on h-t?

this is why i use the same username everywhere.. people know who i am. :D (i dont hide behind the net)
and the stuff just arrived...

MSI 180
AMD 2600
1 gig memory
2 250's
1 8x burner
1 usb floppy

i'm happy...
im 20 yrs old.. im just like a dog waiting to be Fed. when coming to ordering my parts online.
Originally posted by GSRwBOOST
I'm a 33yr old man sitting at work waiting on Fedex like a kid waiting to goto the candy store...

I think I clicked on the tracking page 100 times in the last 1/2 hour waiting for it to say delivered so I can run downstairs to pickup the package from our office services dept.


(for what its worth, it's an MSI 180 w/ 2-250gig hdd's, 8x dvdrw and a gig of memory and a processor)
Whats wrong with doing that again? Did I miss something?
I am 44 and do the same thing. It is a ritual that has replaced "the hunt" that many of our ancestors may have enjoyed.

Ordering the package is like "the detection of prey"
Tracking the package is like "hunting it down"
The arrival of the package is like "the kill"

Once assembled , implimented or whatever , we beat our chest since we have "brought home the bacon"
Sounds like you need to go kill a dear with a knife jacuzzi. I some times have day dreams about killing big nasty animals with small sharp objects. I think my ancestors enjoyed hunting ;).

HAH i say...

i create an html webpage that auto refreshes every 2 minutes and put the fedex page in an iframe and every 2 minutes, bam, refreshes... then i put it on my website..:D :D :D
I do the same thing. I have skipped class a number of times when I knew the package was coming so I could install it and awe at the new found performance :D . Right now I'm waiting anxiously for DSL to be installed this week, have been on dial-up the past 10 or so years.
Originally posted by CleanSlate
Sounds like you need to go kill a dear with a knife jacuzzi. I some times have day dreams about killing big nasty animals with small sharp objects.

please stay away from me and my family. :D :eek: :(
....I'm always anxious to get new stuff, but If there's a point to be made, or a question in here.....I missed it....:rolleyes:

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