i need cds...what is the going rate?


Dec 31, 2005
i'm looking for a 50 or 100 pack. i've been out of the loop for a LONG time. i searched newegg really quickly and 25 packs seem to be the same price. is the normal now?? ridata used to be my first choice (some companies used to make better products than others). are there better or worse options? is bestbuy a good place to buy packs, or do they still overcharge?
you probably wont see much of a difference in the quality of cds aslong as you buy from a respectable company. I remember a post like this a while back, try to search and bring it up.
thanks for telling me, but i've never heard that company's name before. i tend to stay with reliable products that i know will work. would costco have some good deals??
TDK 50 packs are routinely available at the $7-10 range at Radio Shack and Circuit City. Best Buy doesn't carry TDK media at all which really irks me but whatever, they don't want my money, fine. 100 packs sometimes come in under $20 at the same retailers.

Over the years, I've learned two things:

I buy only TDK media.

I buy only Sony media.

"And the rest is crap..."