I need hard suggestion


Limp Gawd
Mar 6, 2006
I'm going to build a new computer soon. Since the canadian money is worth more than the us, we are rich!

I want to know, what is considered as the best case builders on the market?
I'm looking for silent case mid-tower, I don't really overclock but of course a case that remove heat well is welcome. But the most important thing for me is the noise, and I don't really want fancy light.

Thanks for the advice.

Here you go, put your precious Canadian dollar to work. Crazy neighbors to the north....

Just kidding though I don't know anyone that can afford that. I'm not the best with individual cases but I do know that if you are looking around, the more 120mm fans and the fewer 80mm fans, the better. 120mm fans are much quieter than 80mm ones so if your really concerned for noise, don't get one with any 80s in it.
Thanks for the advice about the fans.

I don't really need super fans anyway. I just want a good silent case with good ''air circulation'' . I'm also looking for a case that reduce as much as possible the crap that goes inside the fans and radiators. I heard the only way to stop this is filters?

Just brand name would be good. What are the best brand for hard users?
Antec went nutty for a while about sound, Im a fan of the lanboy, but many of their cases have ruber everyware to buffer against vibrations, from the fans to hard drive cadge, it also has two 120mm fans. In general your going to want large slow fans, to move the same amount of air at a lower speed and make less noise, and add rubber inbetween anything thats screwed in, so any vibration muffled.

As for filters, if you like you can add them infront of your fans if you feel you need them or just clean out your comptuer every now and again with some air, if your computer is in a messy place where you need filters then go nuts but its its just in a room someplace I wouldnt worry about it too much.

just my $0.02 USD (you may be "rich" but our $ doesnt have a queen on it, ok sure slave owners, womanizers, inventers, boxers, drug addicts, terorists, but not one single queen)

good luck
Antec P180/P182 are pretty sweet for quietness (I have P182) but sonata's, solo etc are rated fine also, this is more bang for buck territory, regardless of that they are very fine cases indeed.

If you're after "money is no object" look at Zalman (e.g Zalman TNN500AF).
P18x, any Lian Li with 120 intake/exhaust, a lot of silverstones, and some coolermasters(stackers, mainly, but the Centurion 5 series is nice too) would be my silent case choices.
Lian Li

Those are the best case makers at this time. I'd personally go with a Lian Li.
Antec went nutty for a while about sound, Im a fan of the lanboy, but many of their cases have ruber everyware to buffer against vibrations, from the fans to hard drive cadge, it also has two 120mm fans. In general your going to want large slow fans, to move the same amount of air at a lower speed and make less noise, and add rubber inbetween anything thats screwed in, so any vibration muffled.

As for filters, if you like you can add them infront of your fans if you feel you need them or just clean out your comptuer every now and again with some air, if your computer is in a messy place where you need filters then go nuts but its its just in a room someplace I wouldnt worry about it too much.

just my $0.02 USD (you may be "rich" but our $ doesnt have a queen on it, ok sure slave owners, womanizers, inventers, boxers, drug addicts, terorists, but not one single queen)

good luck

I understand now why the bigger fans is better. I'll look for the lanboy ...

We ever been as highly taxed :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: as you have been to have a good reason to get the queen out of our currency... ;)
I take note of all the others post. I'll come back on this thread later and tell you guys what choice I have made. Thanks again all :D