I need help picking out a high quality 21" CRT monitor


Limp Gawd
Apr 14, 2005
Well I just go a new Dell 1905FP yesterday and I hate it. The color looked VERY "off"; almost like I was running in 16bit instead of 32bit. I ran it DVI. The ghosting was also driving me up a wall. So now the monitor is sitting in its cardboard box with an RMA# written on the side and it's going back to Dell tomorrow.

Now I need to get myself a good CRT (which is what I should have gotten in the first place). What I want is around a 21" monitor that has excellent color and is really sharp (great text). I want the kind of "boat anchor" monitor that you'ld find on a graphic artists desk. I've been looking around on ebay and I found a few Sony P260 monitors for around $300 that look good to me but then again I'm not really up on this kind of thing. The P260 has DVI input and is a "true flat" Trinitron. The way it's described sounds like what I'm looking for.

Any advice on models to look for or stay away from? It looks like I should be going with either a Sony Trinitron or an NEC but I don't really know which makes/models to be looking for.

With the popularity of LCDs I think I should be able to buy what used to be a $1500+ 21" pro monitor for around $300 or less.

Are my expectations reasonable? Any place where I could go and spend an extra $50 and buy retail so that I could avoid ebay all together?

ty in advance :)
I work on my Viewsonic P225F using my plain old VGA connector. It's 3 years old too, no problems, and works great!

0 complaints. Great monitor!
Samsung 21" 1100DF CRT monitor about $400