I need some of your "D"


Mar 21, 2008
Sup Horde.

As you might (or not) know, my farm is hibernating in storage after Hurricane Ike hit Houston. I plan on challenging the ROC for the PPD title when I come back.

But for now, I have been trying to recruit more folders in my new team and would like the Horde (with your tamales and "D") to help me convince some "naysayers" in a thread that almost always pops up once a month in all our Folding forums titled " Folding is Pointless"


Here is a gift to the Horde:
58. Simulating oligomerization at experimental concentrations and long timescales: A Markov state model approach

Nicholas W. Kelley, V. Vishal, Grant A. Krafft, and Vijay S. Pande

J. Chem. Phys. 129, 214707 (2008); DOI:10.1063/1.3010881

SUMMARY. Abeta misfolding and aggregation is believed to be the cause of Alzheimer's Disease. Simulations, like Folding@home, are a natural way to understand this process. However, there are several key challenges for simulating the key step -- oligomerization. This work represents a new way to simulate Abeta oligomerization, with a key advance of being able to simulate experimentally relevant timescales and concentrations, using a novel method. We use this new method and the power provided by Folding@home donors to simulate oligomerization in all-atom detail. This has lead to specific predictions about the process, which we are now testing experimentally. In many ways, this paper is the "tip of the iceberg" for the Folding@home activities in AD, with a lot more interesting results to come, especially in terms of experimental tests of our predictions and interesting new possibilities for new drugs and AD therapeutics.

This work ran exclusively on classic clients. For the follow up simulations, we are using a mixture of GPU, SMP, and classic clients. Due to the large number of classic clients, they allow us to calculations not possible on the other platforms. However, the raw speed (but smaller number) of the GPU and SMP clients allow us to get a good rough idea quickly, refining later with classic clients.

ABSTRACT. Here, we present a novel computational approach for describing the formation of oligomeric assemblies at experimental concentrations and timescales. We propose an extension to the Markovian state model approach, where one includes low concentration oligomeric states analytically. This allows simulation on long timescales (seconds timescale) and at arbitrarily low concentrations (e.g., the micromolar concentrations found in experiments), while still using an all-atom model for protein and solvent. As a proof of concept, we apply this methodology to the oligomerization of an Abeta peptide fragment (Abeta 21–43). Abeta oligomers are now widely recognized as the primary neurotoxic structures leading to Alzheimer's disease. Our computational methods predict that Abeta trimers form at micromolar concentrations in 10 ms, while tetramers form 1000 times more slowly. Moreover, the simulation results predict specific intermonomer contacts present in the oligomer ensemble as well as putative structures for small molecular weight oligomers. Based on our simulations and statistical models, we propose a novel mutation to stabilize the trimeric form of Abeta in an experimentally verifiable manner.

From here: http://folding.stanford.edu/English/Papers#ntoc3

Wipp those guys into shape, we need someone to fight. We are getting {s}oft over here :eek:
I love it when someone brings up the environment and power demands as a reason not to fold. Energy spent to keep up golf courses in California alone probably dwarfs the power used to fold worldwide but I haven't seen any world-changing results from that particular sector so maybe we should stop this meaningless expenditure of resources and space. And no, the grass does not use enough CO2 to offset the energy to pump the water to it lol.

I love it when someone brings up the environment and power demands as a reason not to fold. Energy spent to keep up golf courses in California alone probably dwarfs the power used to fold worldwide but I haven't seen any world-changing results from that particular sector so maybe we should stop this meaningless expenditure of resources and space. And no, the grass does not use enough CO2 to offset the energy to pump the water to it lol.

lol what about those grocery stores open 24/7 even if theres no customers all night long.. :p wait.. i worked in one of those stores..
The biggest problem with convicing some of them is that they are hard set against folding that they will find a reason to poke against the project. The best thing in this case is to be civilised and to tell them that it's a personnal choice and they should respect this.

I also can point you to a big thread on FCF which is precisely about debunking any septicism : http://foldingforum.org/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1164
The worst thing you can do is reply to a troll and give them the attention that they so desperately desire. If folding isn't for you, then just don't do it. You know damn well what you're doing when you start a thread like that. And you can't tell me that after reading some of the results papers (#58 in particular) that you can still question the validity of running this project.

That being said, the thread is just over 18 hours and old it's grown to 13 pages. Wow. :D
You have to love the hypocrisy of those with top end gaming systems claiming they are worried about the environment because of excessive power useage.

Wonder how much those who claim a monetary donation is a better return actually donate?

If folders stopped and donated their power use cost/hardware cost, how many computers would Stanford buy to continue the research...
just tell them if proof is what they want to look at WCG.. atleast they give you the proof right on the front page.. even if its not the folding client atleast they are helping in the long run.. thats just my opinion.. i think thats something F@H is kind of lacking on.. is that you actually have to look for the proof.. people in general are just lazy and dont want to look for it..
Hey Nitteo

Nice to still see you around. Hope you upgraded your farm since the last time we spoke ;)

just tell them if proof is what they want to look at WCG.. atleast they give you the proof right on the front page.. even if its not the folding client atleast they are helping in the long run.. thats just my opinion.. i think thats something F@H is kind of lacking on.. is that you actually have to look for the proof.. people in general are just lazy and dont want to look for it..

+1, F@H is lacking this - and the better you sugar coat it - the more likely people'll get on the wagon and start the Oregon Trail. Damn em oxens and rivers.
The main controversy with folding and most other DC projects stems from the practical benefits of the research obtained, and how it cannot possibly be realized within the foreseeable future. The long-term nature of the project causes it difficulty in attempts to qualify it to any of the skeptics since they focus primarily on all the short-term pitfalls of DC participation. To most skeptics, the research is purely theoretical and of no quantifiable benefit to outweigh any of the short-term drawbacks, many of which have already been mentioned. It's very difficult to debate against some of these arguments even when providing scientific papers because no cures or practical treatments have as of yet been developed from many years of research. Many of us who fold know better, but the bottom line is that we are all doing this out of a single primal impetus - hope.

I've looked at it this way:

I'm not folding to find a cure, I'm folding to create the database of information so that researchers can then use that information to find a cure.
is out of a single primal impetus - hope.



It's just as bad as "hope for change" or whatever the stupid motto is... Oh yeah, this post is constricted to offend as many Obama supporter as possible... I voted... for the one that didn't win.

EDIT: More of the girl in the pix
Go canada! I dont think we are much better, we seem to be on the verge of overthrowing our own government lol


It's just as bad as "hope for change" or whatever the stupid motto is... Oh yeah, this post is constricted to offend as many Obama supporter as possible... I voted... for the one that didn't win.

EDIT: More of the girl in the pix

/me starts slamming his desk yelling RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT!!!
The biggest problem with convicing some of them is that they are hard set against folding that they will find a reason to poke against the project. The best thing in this case is to be civilised and to tell them that it's a personnal choice and they should respect this.

I also can point you to a big thread on FCF which is precisely about debunking any septicism : http://foldingforum.org/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1164

Ahh..... scheech, these people with a "hard on" for folding or anything to do with DCing kill me :rolleyes:. If it ain't some "dippy" conspiracy theory (like finding the translation for R2D2's code), it's some kinda "bullcrap" waste of resources or global warming or "God knows what" (hell, don't forget how those "golf courses" save so many lives) .:rolleyes: I just wish they'd get off of their "dead arses", get off of their "soap boxes", loose their "self righteous, pious, bullshite hypocritical mind sets, just mind their own business and get a freaking life.(it's my fu*king money, they're my fu*king computers and it's my fu*king business)

Being a lifelong American, loving this country dearly (like many, a Vietnam Vet before 20 yrs old) and believing in the US Constitution I figure it's in my "pursuit of happiness" when I DC. If someone doesn't like that they can " go pee up a rope" (or jam it where the sun don't shine and I ain't talkin' about no 24/7 no sun Artic thing) :p

Brother Xilikon, AFAIK you can talk till you're "blue in the face", but if an individual has already made up their mind about how us DC'ers are in concert to ruin the planet earth for future generations or decode R2D2 and "Star Wars", I absolutely and positively and don't give a "flying fu*k at a rolling donut"

Later, all done ranting.

Folding and WCGing for the CURE

Well I'm just glad that my state(Missouri) voted for the loser for the second time in 100 years this year. I do maintain hope that Obama is a good president, but it might be a fool's hope.
I do maintain hope that Obama is a good president, but it might be a fool's hope.

Agreed, there's no beating around the bush at this - He's gonna run the country whenever we like it or not. I hope he does things right, though for every president there will be something we, as a collective or not, will disagree with the POTUS.

Oh well here's to 2009 and onwards...