I need some quick help. Upgraded Windows to XP, now can't boot up.


Apr 4, 2006
Recently I bought an official copy of XP to install over the previous one. I did the upgrade option, and after the installer copies the files to my hard drive, my computer no longer boots.

My drive setup is complicated. Let's just say that my boot drive is my D: drive, not the C: drive. Here's how it's broken down:

C: - 120GB storage drive
D: - 20GB boot partition on 80GB drive
E: - 60GB partition on 80GB drive for programs

After files are copied to the HDD, the computer restarts, shows the Windows loading screen, then flashes a blue screen for half a second and restarts (great job, Microsoft. Thanks for giving me the time to jot down the error code). I boot from the windows CD and lo and behold, for some reason my drive letters are all screwed up. My old 20GB boot drive, D, has now been changed to the C drive. My old 60GB programs drive, E, is now the D drive, and my old 120GB storage drive, C, is now the E drive. Windows just up and changed my drive letters on me, and now I can't boot into windows because the drive letter designations are all screwed up. Windows is initially booting from C but as soon as it gets in there all the startup references are for D, it gets confused, and dies.

Any solutions? Any way to change drive letters through Recovery Console? I don't want to do a fresh install because I've got a lot of programs that I really don't feel like reinstalling one by one and reconfiguring.

First off. I wouldnt recommend the upgrade option EVER.. If you did it because you wanted to have all your programs work with out having to reinstall then thats the only reason I can thing of doing the upgrade option... The upgrade disk will allow you to do a clean install...boot from it and do a clean install... at somepoint it'll ask you to put your old disk in to verify you have an older copy and then it'll proceed... ...loading xp over 98 or anything else is a recipe for disaster..

just bite the bullet and reinstall your apps...you can always change the drive letters later