I noticed something strange...


Sep 27, 2002
So... I noticed that when i was playing world of warcraft I saw purple static on my screen..... I am not sure what it is and im going nuts!!! Any ideas what this could be?
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I tried checking the screenshot on a diff computer.... obviously its not going to show... im such an idiot o_O..... I am not sure what to do.... Any idea's? Maybe I'm not describing it right ugh! Basically its Static Lines that show up intermittently.... and pixels flickering. It's not my monitor cause switch over to my other PC and it's not doing it.... Hmm....
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if you take a screenshot of it and it's not there then it's a monitor issue, if it is there then it's a videocard issue. It sounds like your referring to artifacting dots/lines. usually a sign of failing or bad video memory. But then again if it only happens in WOW it could be a game issue. Try other games and see if it happens. If/when it does be quick on the trigger and capture a screenshot. Use whatever program you want but the rules above apply.
Here is one thing i noticed If i move down to the bottom dvi connector on my video card it looks like everything is all good. If i move it to the top one..... then i see the static..... And no i was wrong it doesnt just happen on WoW.... it's always happening..... strange that i just noticed this.
Here is one thing i noticed If i move down to the bottom dvi connector on my video card it looks like everything is all good. If i move it to the top one..... then i see the static..... And no i was wrong it doesnt just happen on WoW.... it's always happening..... strange that i just noticed this.

check your dvi cable for bent pins, try another dvi cable, also check your temperatures and check your overclocking. Make sure everything is stable and cool.
Nothing is overclocked. cpu temp is 38 degrrees..... GPU temp is 62 degrees. Here is another thing i did... since my monitor has two outputs a VGA and a DVI.... well like i said... if i take the DVI cable and plug it into the top DVI connector on the video card i see the static..... if i plug it in to the bottom one i dont see static... well heres something strange..... i used the VGA connector on my monitor and used a DVI to VGA and plugged it into the top DVI connector on my video card... and i see no static at all... whats going on!!!! could it possibly be a bad dvi cable?
The top dvi connector is a dual link dvi connector the bottom one is a single link dvi connector. What resolution are you running and have you checked your cable for bent pins, or tried another cable?
I have not tried another cable yet.... I also noticed i plugged in the VGA->DVI adapter on the bottom dvi connector on my video card and it didnt work. at all. Im about to drive to frys and go get a new cable. If we rule out that it is the cable. 1680x1050 cable doesnt have any bent pins that i can see.
I have not tried another cable yet.... I also noticed i plugged in the VGA->DVI adapter on the bottom dvi connector on my video card and it didnt work. at all. Im about to drive to frys and go get a new cable. If we rule out that it is the cable. 1680x1050 cable doesnt have any bent pins that i can see.

Hmm, that's a resolution that is within the single link dvi spec although dual or single should work for it, it's strange the single link port works well while the dual link doesn't. Could be a hardware issue if not the cable.
wait which ones the dual link and which ones the single? and whats the difference again?
Probably the cable, but maybe the port on the video card got damaged or something.
I went to frys and got a new cable.....It's still doing it... so i'm guessing its the video card..... unless anything in my PC could be doing it.
i used the dvi->hdmi converter and plugged that into my monitor followed by an hdmi cable to my pc.... and that worked fine..
Any ideas? before i set up a return with the company i bought it from?? They are in driving distance.
I can't think of anything else that would cause this, your temps are fine, no overclocking, it sounds like it's a flaw in the card itself. Since it's the dual link port I'd just get that bad boy swapped out for another 6970 and you should be good, The only other thing is if you remember or not if this has happened with more than 1 driver. I don't recall a driver issue like this but anything can be possible. Do a last quick clean install of the drivers and see if that changes anything. Remove the drivers from the control pannel, reboot and go into safe mode, then use driver cleaner or sweeper to remove all traces of amd software in safe mode, reboot and reinstall 11.7 or 11.8 preview with antivirus software disabled.
Here is a video i just made on you tube if you are confused about what i'm trying to tell you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQnors7y6pw
Lord... I just put this computer together and i went to the ATI Website and downloaded the most recent drivers and installed them. Should i try reinstalling?

lloose - What do you mean set it to default??
Here is what it looks like on the armory website for world of warcraft...... this will show what im talking about clearly.

Here is what it looks like on the armory website for world of warcraft...... this will show what im talking about clearly.


I took your advice..... uninstalled Drivers...... during the uninstall... my screen went black... I waited 5 minutes to see if it was going to reappear but it did not so i had to shut it down via power button... Went into Safe Mode Ran the Driver Sweeper.... rebooted.... and reinstalled 11.7 and i came across this ...

I also went to the wow armory website while the drivers were uninstalled and i did not see any static....... but notice how that image i just linked said warning occured during installation? the log from the installation shows...

Should i reinstall? or redownload and reinstall?
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Looking at that report I can't see any problems, It said there were warnings but I didn't see any. Did you make sure any antivirus and 3rd party firewall software was disabled during the driver installation?

Is it still doing the same thing?
Looking at that report I can't see any problems, It said there were warnings but I didn't see any. Did you make sure any antivirus and 3rd party firewall software was disabled during the driver installation?

Is it still doing the same thing?

So..... i uninstalled it again........ rebooted to safe mode....used driver sweeper.... and installed it after reboooting.... it was a successful install that time..... it has to be my video card... cause i noticed when i was streaming movies on HBOGO...... my screen kept flickering like it would turn black...... for like 3-4 seconds then go back..... and when i mean black..... like as if the monitors off....... no backlight nothing... and when i switched ports...... to the bottom one....... it wouldnt do it..... im convinced its the video card and im going to return it right now.... sucks to say that the place i bought it from doesnt carry it any more.... they took it off their website.... Newegg has no 6970's in stock so i cant pick up one of those either.... i guess im stuck using my 4870x2 on my current build until i find a decent video card..... to purchase.. or just wait to q4..... i dont know but im really annoyed right now :( i always have shit luck
So..... i uninstalled it again........ rebooted to safe mode....used driver sweeper.... and installed it after reboooting.... it was a successful install that time..... it has to be my video card... cause i noticed when i was streaming movies on HBOGO...... my screen kept flickering like it would turn black...... for like 3-4 seconds then go back..... and when i mean black..... like as if the monitors off....... no backlight nothing... and when i switched ports...... to the bottom one....... it wouldnt do it..... im convinced its the video card and im going to return it right now.... sucks to say that the place i bought it from doesnt carry it any more.... they took it off their website.... Newegg has no 6970's in stock so i cant pick up one of those either.... i guess im stuck using my 4870x2 on my current build until i find a decent video card..... to purchase.. or just wait to q4..... i dont know but im really annoyed right now :( i always have shit luck

Damn that would confirm it is a videocard issue. Sorry to hear that dude. Good luck with whatever you end up getting.
Well a 6970 definitely should still be under warranty. Setup an RMA with XFX.
Well I'm still under the 30 days return policy..... So I'm just going o return it and use my 4870x2 since the place I'm returning it to does not have any in stock.... Nor does newegg.... So I'm guessing they are trying to make room for the hd 7xxx series..... or something along those lines..... So I'm probably better off waiting.... Maybe it was meant to be...
I watched the video, but I can't really tell. I'm curious, OP, was your problem similar to mine?.
yes thats what my card was doing.... i returned it .... and i got a gtx580.
I never figured out the problem with that. Funny thing is it comes and goes while on my 3007WFP but it never shows up on any of my 2007FPs. So I was never sure if it was the monitor (or cable, never tried a different DVI cable) or the video card. Since it never showed up on the 2007FP the issue left me scratching my head.

I also had a GTX460 with the same 3007WFP and this problem never appeared.

It DID happen again when I had a 5850 for a bit that I bought of a friend but my buddy never had that problem on his monitor, so, it's strange.

Now I have a 6850 and all is well. Well, just throwing my experience out there.