I screwed up. (*video --> TV)


Limp Gawd
Oct 10, 2002
I think I messed something up here.

Being the novice I am I tried to connect an S-video cable to my Dvd/tv/reciever and get some video going on my TV.

I have a Geforece 4 Ti 4200 video card so I plugged in the s-video to the Dvd player and began screwing around. Fun times... lol

Ok, so I looked into the Display settings and under settings I find two different display cars. #1 which was my geforce card and #2 which was what the s-video was.

I tried to enable the s-video display to come up as a screen within a screen on my desktop just like it showed. Well... It didn't quite work. It flashed the in-box picture on the screen real quick and went away. Twice it did that and twice I went back to see if I could fix the settings so It would stay on the desktop and not flip away. There's a setting in there that basically changes your default desktop to your 2nd display adapter. I choose that and NOW regret THAT. After choosing that setting and getting back to the desktop I couldnt get back to the display properties. I couldn't shut the computer down either. Then to make matters worse I thought that if I reboot the computer it will come up with the geforce display. It didn't. Screen came up to a blue screen (winxp) and got no further. I then rebooted the computer after disconnecting the s-video card and the computer came back up normally.

My problem is that if I plug the s-video wire in then when I reboot it comes back up as a blue screen. Is there a way to change the default display adapter back to the geforce card when the s-video wire is plugged in?

I've already gone into safe mode and tried to do it that way (which by the way DOES boot up while the s-video card is in) but there's no option to choose adapters in there. The only thing I can think to do is to reinstall the display adapters which I really don't want to do b/c I don't know if it will fix the problem.

Any help appreciated.
safe mode -> uninstall display drivers
cant hurt
if that dont work re-install, also can't hurt

other then that your post was confusing to me...