I seem to have run into an issue I can't fix...


Sep 14, 2002
Well, here it is.

The first "Anyone know whats wrong with MY rig?" post...

I was hoping it wouldn't of come to this. I never have any problems, much less strange ones, with my personal machine. :(
(That would be the specifications down there in my sig, 'natch. All drivers are current, and Windows2000 SP4/DX9/IE6 Cul.Patch1 are all installed.)

OK, here's the deal.

I'm just doing my thing in Windows, I've got Firebird open, Winamp, Trillian, nothing special, right? Suddenly, everything on the screen seems to artifact... You know, little red and yellow dots, video corruption, etc - However, 3d applications (Counter Strike, jDoom, Diablo II, RTCW) all work fine, at least for the 15 minutes I played them each) If I give it the three finger salute and have the options for task manager, lock computer, etc, and come back, it goes away... However.... I have no idea what could be causing the problem.

This install of Windows, granted, is over a year old, but theres been two hardware changes, and neither recently - Added the GF3 Ti500, and swapped a 20GB Seagate for the 80GB WDC in there now.

Its an Antec 350w PSU, btw, I just realized that wasn't in the sig. So, anyone have any ideas? I'm going to beat it to hell with Memtest overnight and then Prime95 all day tomorrow to see if I can ... You know... Find a problem.


It has been so long since I've had to replace anything on my machine. Clean install on my day off, I suppose. :(
have you tried another vid card?

like a cheapo spare or sumptin?
Did you properly remove the old drivers for the previous vid card?

Boot to safe mode and see how many vga cards are showing. You may have a ghost driver in there. Otherwise i suspect the video core ramdac is overheating, are you running two monitors?
Originally posted by jacuzz1
Did you properly remove the old drivers for the previous vid card?

Boot to safe mode and see how many vga cards are showing. You may have a ghost driver in there. Otherwise i suspect the video core ramdac is overheating, are you running two monitors?

definately check to see if old vid. card drivers are removed.

virus/malware+adware+spyware scan lately?
AVGFree/Spybot S&D+Adaware6
Originally posted by jacuzz1
Did you properly remove the old drivers for the previous vid card?

Boot to safe mode and see how many vga cards are showing. You may have a ghost driver in there. Otherwise i suspect the video core ramdac is overheating, are you running two monitors?
I dont often buy into the old drivers are causing problems theory, although in cases it happens. I would look to the video hardware being a problem in this case.
I don't see how it could be the video card. He said that it wasnt a recient install, but it might just be one of those wierd seemingly random things that happen.

how not very recient was the install anyway?
'Recent install' would mean this week. This card was added the beginning of January.

At which time, yes, I did remove the drivers using DriverCleaner, and its been through some serious Prime95/Memtest86/3dMark01SE loops between now and then.

As I said, this just started last night - After more than a month of stable operation. No issues have been seen so far with a GF2MX or a Voodoo3 AGP or a S3 Savage3D PCI.

I'm feeling that it is the card. Lets see if I can RMA this bugger.... :(
Originally posted by pbXassassinX1524
I don't see how it could be the video card. He said that it wasnt a recient install, but it might just be one of those wierd seemingly random things that happen.

how not very recent was the install anyway?

Whether or not it was a recent install is irrelevant here. Hardware can fail at anytime, now or later.
Well, I've been ripping CDs and playing Diablo II all night (Of course not at the same time on an old-school rig like this!) without a single hint of trouble. It seems to have resumed normal operation...

I'm still replacing it. I don't like surprises. I just hope it holds out until I have the spare cash to do a whole new rig...

I was planning on holding it over for a SocketA setup soon, too. Oh well. Hardware is hardware, and as said by Met-Al, it can (and will) fail at any given time.

Example: Old K6/2-500 rig that I've had for years, right? I hook a buddy of mine up with it at a modest price... And three days later, the damn mainboard fails! Of course, I replaced the system.