I think I like Vista over Windows 7...


Jan 11, 2009
Well, technically I'm not using windows 7. I'm using Windows 2008 Server R2, which, with desktop enhancements turned on, is like Win 7.

I upgraded from Win 2008 server x64 to Win 2008 R2 x64. I was really looking forward to getting win 7 (I am still going to buy a student copy for $30 and get my free copy at one of MS's meetups they're having), but now, after at least using R2, I'm not so eager. Here's my personal reasons.

  • Explorer sort options - This was big for me. I found out that, when in List mode, Thumbnail mode, etc, I cannot sort and filter files like I could in Vista. Vista had the sort/filter options always apparent on the top of the window, allowing me to quickly sort my files with the click of a button. In Win 7, I have to right click in an empty spot and THEN do sort.
  • Taskbar previews - I just found these to be sluggish and not as snappy as Vista. I guess I'm just not used to them yet, but I'm still used to just clicking once on a taskbar item. Also, if there are two identical windows (such as multiple explorer windows) I have to click twice to get to them since they are grouped.
  • Explorer's favorites list - I keep my commonly used items, such as network drives, shared folders, etc, in the favorites. In Vista, they were always available via the favorites window that appear when you click on "Folders". In Win 7, I have to scroll up to get to them, which can be annoying on deep folders.
  • Taskbar needs text, not just icons - I'm just not used to the icons yet. I'm used to seeing "SQL Managem..." or "Visual Web Dev..." on the taskbar along with the icon, not just the icon. I lose track of which icon goes to each program and causes seconds in delay when going back between programs quickly. It bugged me in OSX and it bugs me here, though at least I can turn it on. Yes, there is the option to turn it on, but then any icons you have pinned to the start menu just get lost among all the opened windows.

Don't get me wrong. It's still a nice OS. I don't see a speed bump aside from faster boot, but I do like the updated alt-tab switching, aero peak, and libraries. If they somehow add the above missing features to future updates, I'll be a happy camper.

1. You could use details mode.
2. W7 is faster on my computer, not at all sluggish
3. You can make the taskbar behave almost EXACTLY like it does in XP/Vista with your text and everything.
1. You could use details mode.
2. W7 is faster on my computer, not at all sluggish
3. You can make the taskbar behave almost EXACTLY like it does in XP/Vista with your text and everything.

1. True, but I like being able to do this quickly in other modes. I view lots of content and images at work and need to sort them quickly.
2. Could very well be. I have not noticed this at all from the upgrade.
3. Again, true, but then pinning to the taskbar would be useless.
1. True, but I like being able to do this quickly in other modes. I view lots of content and images at work and need to sort them quickly.
2. Could very well be. I have not noticed this at all from the upgrade.
3. Again, true, but then pinning to the taskbar would be useless.

Ok, I guess when I said for #3, EXACTLY, that was a bit of a lie. You can still use it just like W7's taskbar, but when you open the program it expands and shows the text of each open window. Also, you can choose to group them if the taskbar gets full ala previous versions of Windows
I've read several post about people liking Vista more than 7 and I completely understand. I've considered going back to Vista a few times because programs load a little faster thanks to the aggressive Superfetch. I just really like file organization in 7 and even using Windows Explorer in Vista and Favorite Places, it's still not the same. Plus my settings end up getting wiped every month or two thanks to the classic Vista Folder Reset bug.

Otherwise performance has been the same.
"Explorer's favorites list"

this, it totally kills the point of having it in the first place.
if you make 7 look like vista then you are essentially using Vista.

I've been using 7 on a PC for a while now and I much prefer Vista over 7.

With the standard 7 look and feel, it's just to Mac-esque for me.
I personally can't stand not being able to customize the games list as easily. I also miss not having start-up options within Windows Defender.
Otherwise, with my own settings - Win7 is 99% Vista, although like the OP mentioned...a tiny bit slower.
Aggressive Superfetch was one of my main complaints about Vista. Whenever I restarted the computer would take forever to be responsive when the desktop came up due to all the anticipatory loading. I am so happy that Win7 got rid of that. I don't miss the later quick loading of Superfetch now that I have an SSD for my OS/apps :)