I think I may have just stumbled on the single greatest display youtuber of all time


Aug 23, 2007
He kind of focuses on tvs, but this is relevant to monitor displays as well.

He is precise and methodical in his presentation, and extremely thorough. Looking at some of his other display reviews he brings up all sorts of details that are not obvious to the lay person. In that video I posted, he poured cold water on my hopes for hdmi 2.1 being in some of the 2018 tvs, answer he gave is that they will probably not be there yet. Still, he's a great reviewer.

EDIT: [speculation]

Just saw this article.


That was back last year some time, but they reported that lg planned to release smaller oled tvs late 2019/early 2020. Let's hope it's around 2019, then we may finally have a perfect storm of alignments.

hdmi 2.1 for more bandwidth
40-49" oled tvs with vrr and 120Hz range for pcs. I had hoped 2018 was a possibility, but all signs are pointing to 2019 for the display stars to align.
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Thanks for the recommendation. I'd never run across this gent before but I've subbed to his channel and will keep him in my tech loop now.
Vincent is probably the best TV reviewer online. His written hdtvtest.co.uk reviews and youtube videos are all very informative and thorough.

Hopefully he will start reviewing computer displays as well in the future.
Vincent is probably the best TV reviewer online. His written hdtvtest.co.uk reviews and youtube videos are all very informative and thorough.

Hopefully he will start reviewing computer displays as well in the future.

After seeing all the high end FALD LCD and OLED TVs his eyes will probably bleed from these crappy image PC monitors :ROFLMAO: