I think I unlocked it....


Feb 19, 2005
What do you guys make of this? I have an XFX 8800GTS 320MB. Stock is 96 shaders, right? I don't even know what to check. I didn't really check to see if it's any better. I'm probably wrong and nothing is unlocked anyway. I'm just assuming since I can put checkmarks next to the disabled ones. To be fair, I didn't go to bed last night.



Does your computer still run (with the GTS) with the shaders "unlocked"? I tried that when I first got the card way back in February, I had to reinstall in order to get back into Vista. I don't think OS makes a difference but see if you can get back into Windows (if you haven't already). I don't think it's possible to "unlock" them using this method, I thought Nvidia was using a different technique to lock them.
You can't unlock because the hardware simply isn't there.
Not unlocked. In those screanshots you can clearly see "cur (96sp 20rop) tgt (128sp 24rop)"

Current - 96/20, target 128/24. It won't let you unlock anything.
Bit 00-> Disabled
Bit 16-> Disabled

Nothing is unlocked. Checkbox just means "try if you can."
7,599 3D Marks stock

7,999 3D Marks "unlocked"

Thats not a real difference, it would be a few thousand if you had the extra shaders. 3d Mark can vary by a few hundred points just from running it multiple times through out the day.
Thats not a real difference, it would be a few thousand if you had the extra shaders. 3d Mark can vary by a few hundred points just from running it multiple times through out the day.

Exactly. These cards can't be unlocked. End of story.