I unlocked my 555BE but it's a 3core Rana???


Limp Gawd
Dec 19, 2006
I need some help here. I managed to unlock my 555BE x2 into a 3core CPU. But, on my CPUz it's a Athlon IIx3 455!!! Is that correct???
Did i do something wrong?
i am not a amd guy, but that is not nomal. could you get a screenshot of the cpu-z from your desktop to see? and list the specs of you system it will help other. like voltage used and so on and so forth

here you go. ok. the pc consists of...
asus m4a785td-v evo
corsair 550w psu
4gb memory
CM v6 gt
and i left everything stock. just tried to unlock it and it did. i didn't touch anything.
oh, and i noticed now that core temp and speed fan are not reading the cpu temp
My HTPC rig read B55 when I unlocked my 555 on it. Yours should too, unless it will only unlock to a triple core because the 4th core is the guilded one and then I would assume the CPU-Z code will throw off any and all kinds of BS then.

oh, and i noticed now that core temp and speed fan are not reading the cpu temp

Mine didn't either.
ok. so i guess i'll have to go get a fan controller. which one is a decent one at a good price?

why does it say different names on each software?
I did notice Coretemp is showing it as a Phenom II 555 with the 3 cores and cpu-z is showing it as a athlon 3x 455, but it shows the l3 6mb cache and it shows the 3 cores, so it means its still a Phenom II 555 3x i just think cpu-z cant read the cpu and core temp can.
ok. so i guess i'll have to go get a fan controller. which one is a decent one at a good price?

why does it say different names on each software?

When you lock the cpu back up so you can read cpu temp, you can check mobo temp against it measure the difference and then use the mobo sensor readings in the future, should be within a couple of degrees.
ok, so it's a tri core now. what else do i need to do? i do notice that when I'm playing WoW, it's stuttering.
when you unlock it. you need to stress it so its stable. run linx do 20 pass's and run prime blend test for 2 hours min i would run it for atleast 6-12 hours to ensure its fully stable.
You might need more voltage to stabilize that 3rd core. If it keeps stuttering, you probably wont have that 3rd core. There are reasons why those chips arent sold as 4 core chips. Some just need too much voltage to keep all 4 cores active, some have a bad core. You will just have to play with it. It is pretty common for programs to mistake the CPU's for other ones when unlocked, and you always lose the temp sensors when unlocking.
cool. thanks for the help guys. i'm going to look into that fan controller. i'd like one.
i'm also going to set the 555be back to stock but will attempt to OC it instead.
you should able to get around 3.8-4.0 out of her with out a problem. i would image. but good luck :D
ok. so i guess i'll have to go get a fan controller. which one is a decent one at a good price?

why does it say different names on each software?
Updating to the newest version of CPU-Z should show the correct name.