I want a new video card!!


Jan 28, 2007
First time post and I am hoping that some of you might be able to help steer me in the right direction.
I have a system based around a Asus P4C800E Dlx mb and a Intel P4 3.0 Prescott processor. I also have 2G of Corsair XMS memory. This is obviously a AGP mb and I currently own a ATI 9800pro 128 video.
I have been looking at the BFG 7800GS OC agp card that newegg currently has a rebate on.
My question to you is how much of a difference might I see if I were to drop this card into my system? I play some games, but currently not alot. I do quit alot of video editing.
Thanks for you help/suggestions.

Don't get the GS...

For a few more dollars, getting a GT would be a huge upgrade. The performance difference between the GS and the GT is about 45% IMO, and the difference between the GT and the 9800 Pro would be substantial.
Thanks for the reply, but as stated in the OP, my mb is AGP. Unless you know something that I have missed the GT model is only PCI.
So, as asked, what about the 7800GS OS model?
Don't get the GS...

For a few more dollars, getting a GT would be a huge upgrade. The performance difference between the GS and the GT is about 45% IMO, and the difference between the GT and the 9800 Pro would be substantial.

Got a link to the 7800GT AGP LOL

Seriously though the 7800GS is a good solid performer and a very nice overclocker. I would expect you get a healthy boost from this card.
I have considered the X1950Pro AGP, but it seems as though I have read about guy's having some issues with this card and it alittle more than I have wanted to put into this system.

Thanks for the reply, but as stated in the OP, my mb is AGP. Unless you know something that I have missed the GT model is only PCI.
So, as asked, what about the 7800GS OS model?

That would be nice, except he has an AGP system.

Got a link to the 7800GT AGP LOL

Seriously though the 7800GS is a good solid performer and a very nice overclocker. I would expect you get a healthy boost from this card.

I could have SWORN I read 7600GS. Sigh.

Yes, the 7800GS is a good upgrade for the money, and the X1950pro is an even better use of your money... But as you said, it is quite expensive for the 30% (or so) performance gain it gets over the 7800GS.

The 7800GS should net you 2.5x more performance than your 9800, and can be overclocked fairly easily too.
As a side-note, my buddy has a 7800GS AGP in his system (P4-C Northwood 3.2GHz, 1.5GB RAM, XP Pro, 320GB 7200.10 HD). He regularly games at 1280x1024 on his 19" CRT's, with most games turned all the way up. He gets a pretty good overclock, considering how crappy the airflow is in his stock HP case... It's great card for the money considering the rebate NewEgg is giving now. Go for it. I'd save the money now, and when the time is right, a whole new system with PCI-E and an 8900GTS or something later when it matters ;)
just get the x1950pro 512mb his card it has the best cooling on those cards
and teh performance is way better than 7800gs
Thank you all for your replies.
From what I have read, the X1950pro should be a very good AGP card and I have seen where there is speculation that nvidia, might, come up with something to compete. But as stated it is quit abit more expensive and in the big picture I am trying to decide as ShnikeJSB suggested if I am better to spend that money now or to save and overhaul my system in the future. If I do that, the 7800GS is likely the better way to go at this time, IF I will realize a significant increase in performance between it and the 9800pro I currently own.

Thanks again, you guy's are great!
Newegg has a 7800GS OC for $209 up front, then $50 MIR to make it $159. That's not that bad of a deal IMO. If I was you and you have the $209 up front to pay for it, go for it cause once you get that $50, it's totally worth it. The X1950PRO is a better card, but you're going to have to dish out about $250'ish for one I believe after shipping.
I could have SWORN I read 7600GS. Sigh.

Yes, the 7800GS is a good upgrade for the money, and the X1950pro is an even better use of your money... But as you said, it is quite expensive for the 30% (or so) performance gain it gets over the 7800GS.

The 7800GS should net you 2.5x more performance than your 9800, and can be overclocked fairly easily too.

Its cool shit happens just pokin fun at you.

Only reason i said 7800GS though and didnt suggest the X1950 is from what i understand the 7800GS is a far better Overclocker than the X1950 and with a good OC it comes real close to the performance of the X1950 for less cash.

If you can find an X1950 for a decent price its good but with rebates right now a 7800 can be had pretty cheap.