I want a pc game with colors that look like these


Aug 23, 2007

So this is not a game of course, it's a trailer for a new disney movie, but it's literally the best looking animated trailer I've seen in a long time. Frozen looked terrible, so does everything else in that it's fairly sterile looking and bland. This was the polar opposite. I have never seen water that blue, colors so BEYOND lifelike and rich. It's like someone took trine 2 and made a movie with a more tropical color scheme.

When someone releases a game with those types of visuals and colors, mapped onto a more realistic frame, we will have arrived. Because that will not be trying to model reality, it will move beyond reality to something more inspired.
Skyrim with Allure ENB (aka Mirage ENB, not sure why two different names):

You can roll your own oversaturation for Skyrim with Imaginator if that doesn't suit you. Other good oversaturated ENBSeries are Vividian ENB with the Vivid option, Sharpshooters ENB, and RealVision ENB.
You want a Seizure go right ahead a game that is pretty good looking is AION everything is saturated to the Max.