I want to create a multiboot USB stick...


Dec 11, 2007
So, is there any software that will allow me to accomplish this?

For the longest time, I wanted to make a USB stick that could store bootable images of Linux LiveCDs, Windows CDs/DVDs, and other bootable utilities. The stick would provide a boot selection manager from which I could select these aformentioned images to load. I guess it would be similar to how that Ultimate Boot CD works except with USB sticks and customizable boot options.

I haven't given this a thought until recently when I received a 16GB USB stick from someone. I haven't used it that much but I thought that this task would put it to good use as I'm always losing my Linux or Windows CDs for when I need them the most, especially with the laptop.
Thank you in advance.
Awesome idea.

I too have wanted something like this for the longest time. Would be extremely useful to have one drive that had bootable instances of different Windows versions, Linuxs, rescue tools and etc.

Extra bonus points if its easily updateable. Like dropping an iso in a directory and maybe editing a config file.