i7-4770 + H100I: Something's gotta be wrong...


Sep 19, 2013
Hi all, 10+ year reader/builder here, but lost my old account.. reguardless. I have an issue with a freshly built system.

Long story short, my last pc got struck by lightning, so i just put together a new system. I'm not terribly familiar with the Haswell thermal envelope, but the disparity between cores 1 and 4, along with it pushing the temps up to the high 90's seems to me like something's gotta be wrong.

I installed the H100i with the stock tim in place, i have some as5 on hand and i'm going to go ahead and reseat the block here in a few hours. Any other suggestions?

Asus z87 Sabertooth
Core i7-4770 (non-K)
Corsair H100I
16gb Corsair Vengence 1833


Load (prime95)
What's wrong is the voltage 1.325v makes Haswell screaming hot.
Stock volts should be 1.150 max
yeah, for sure there are a problem with your cooler.. i would like to check first the backplate, you have to be sure that the backplate match the Socket rear Screws. just like This or This. the backplate have one side (This Side) marked as a guide to match the socket screws and tell what its the correct position.. with that cooler and i guess your room temp are in the 21C-22C a 4770K should be at stock settings under prime95 more or less in the line of 50C.

Also be sure you are using the lastest P95 revition, or if its possible use Aida64 to check. early versions of P95 simply hate haswell and overvolt to the sky...
Hi all, 10+ year reader/builder here, but lost my old account.. reguardless. I have an issue with a freshly built system.

Long story short, my last pc got struck by lightning, so i just put together a new system. I'm not terribly familiar with the Haswell thermal envelope, but the disparity between cores 1 and 4, along with it pushing the temps up to the high 90's seems to me like something's gotta be wrong.

I installed the H100i with the stock tim in place, i have some as5 on hand and i'm going to go ahead and reseat the block here in a few hours. Any other suggestions?

Asus z87 Sabertooth
Core i7-4770 (non-K)
Corsair H100I
16gb Corsair Vengence 1833


Load (prime95)

I have the exact same system minus the ram (see my sig). I am getting no more than a 3*c max temp difference between cores. I actually only have one core that is different... three cores stay almost the same temp all the time.

Under load my system does not break 65*c. I have a mild OC also, nothing to get excited about.

But either way something is wrong with your mount. On a side note, I also did NOT use the corsair link software, or corsair fans. I used Phantek fans (similar to the Notcua NF F12 fans) on the coioler
P95 was just freshly downloaded directly from their site.

I've done nothing other than set the ram to XMP @ 1833

I've checked the back-plate, and it is definitely on right.

I'm not increasing the voltage myself. I'll grab a copy of Aida64 here in a moment.
As for my H100I configuration, I am using the stock fans, in a push only config. no space to add a pull set. It is throttling up as soon as cpu load is detected and the temps drop almost instantly when i kill the FPU tests.

Currently the case is open wide, It hasn't crashed once either oddly enough.

Is there any way to limit the voltage increase? I'm not manually doing it so it's either got to be the MB or the Asus suite doing it.

I manually set the voltage warning of Thermal Radar to what 1.150 as mentioned above. Does anyone have any suggestions or links for what i should set the rest of my thresholds at? At least that way i'll be sure when something is wrong.
check in bios the CPU voltage, if are on offset set the offset to - instead of + so it will not draw extra voltage.
Try a different program for reading your CPU voltage. Or try the latest version— open up cpuz.ini (using Notepad), and change Sensor=1 to Sensor=0.

If the reading is still high, go into the BIOS and load optimized defaults.
You're going to have to delid that chip and get that damn apoxie out of the way so the top can actually make contact with the chip and let the thermal paste work like it is suppose to.

That or send the damn thing back for another one.
As mentioned before, it's not your cooler, it's the voltage. I'd manually set the voltage in the BIOS to avoid the motherboard overvolting it, try setting it to your VID. No need to delid it or anything like that.
Yeah voltage is too high.

My 4670k on Gigabyte GA-Z87X-UD4H default kicks up to 1.25v at load would hit 94c. Setting manual to 1.075v and swapping in better thermal paste I load around 65~67c

This is on a Hyper 212 Evo.
As has been said, 1.3V for a stock, loaded 4770/4770K is way too high. In the Asus Extreme Tweaker you should set a manual voltage of 1.10 to 1.20 volts, run your stability tests, and monitor temperatures and see if it's stable after an hour or two. The good part with Haswell is it will throttle at 100 celsius keeping your chip healthy even if something is wrong.

You should also check your heat sink mount. I had it happen once on my 3770K where a fricking dog hair was stuck between the chip and heat sink and temps were up by over 15 celsius at load.

I have the z87 gryphon and had the same problem as you. In my case the waterblock on my h100i could not get tight enough against the CPU and was causing big temp swings like what you see. I found some very thin plastic shims and put them on the backplate. The problem went away.
Have you checked that the pump is working properly, or checked the tim after mounting to see if you have proper pressure applied to the CPU?
I went into the bios and set the core voltage from auto to Offset - with an offset of 0.126

Temps dropped like a rock, holding under 60 with a 6 degree difference across the cores.

It also stopped the auto-overclock so i'm sitting pretty at the stock clocks, which is fine with me.

Once i read up on what some of those settings actually do, i'll probably let it have some more juice.

Thanks guys!
There we go. As others stated, the default volts on Haswell are extremely hot.
1.325v on stock speeds is way overkill.
Why? Haswell rocks.

because I have a 6core SB-e... untill I can find a binned IVY-e as my primary system

and instead I am getting a multiproc server, instead of a 4770k, for spare gaming/ folding

I might still do a haswell itx build but it won't be for quite some time... Also I don't like them because they are hot, a very select number of them can do 4.5+, and they have to be delidded.

too much hassle for a chip that all I would do with is get an extra hundred or 2hundred mhz on my ram with.
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