IBM SCSI 36.7 10k drive ???


Limp Gawd
Sep 19, 2004
A friend has handed me a Sealed IBM SCSI 36.7 GB 10000k HD Model # DDYS-T36950

Excited!!! Open and see its is a SCSI.. "he only told me it was a 10k drive" "ME Yes a free raptor" To find It is a IBM scsi...Which I am clueless about other than Its main use was/is Server.

My Question is, Can this be used as a normal drive with certain adaptors to work in a normal PC? What adaptors? Help me here...

I have read reviews on the drive and find the only flaw to be heat! Other than that it "in its time" was a sweet fast drive.

I also found he can get me 8 more sealed drives :eek: ..I did some research and found people selling them from about "low E bay" $40 to $450!!! WTF?? seriously doubt$450...

Please educate me on what this can or cant do for me.

Tazzman..... ;)
A scsi card will allow you to connect it to a PC. What generation/year is it? If it's older, it may not be worth the investment of time or money to get it going.

Only Western Digital makes Raptors, so that should have been your first clue ;) but anyway, you could try this drive out for fun. You need a SCSI card, a cable and terminator, and if the drive has an 80 pin connector, you'll need an SCA adapter:

For a SCSI card I like to recommend the LSI U160 (sometimes listed as LSIU160). It used to be easy to find for $25-45 in stores but now it seems you can only get that price buying used (which isn't really that bad either). If you get multiple drives you could get this card cheap and make a RAID array: (hopefully the Windows 2000 driver works in XP if you use XP, the LSIU160's driver for 2000 worked in XP).

Just one of those drives probably won't be quite as fast as a modern IDE or SATA drive (SCSI drives tend to be faster than IDE drives of the same vintage), but it's worth checking out and learning a few things. You can try looking up the drive at
I have an 18GB DDYS Drive. It is loud. Incredibly loud. Louder than 200cfm Deltas. Hear it spinning away in another room. Seeks sound like someone is banging on pipes with a wrench. Did I mention it's loud?

Also, is there a molex on the back of the drive? If not, you'll need to acquire an SCA adapter in addition to a SCSI HBA and cable.
Tazzman said:
I also found he can get me 8 more sealed drives :eek: ..I did some research and found people selling them from about "low E bay" $40 to $450!!! WTF?? seriously doubt$450...
$50-60 is average going price for that drive on the used market. For the one you have, since they are new/sealed, $60 would be easily obtainable. If you can get more, get them, sell them, and buy yourself a nice SATA drive. They're not fast drives at all, and like DL said they're quite loud
IBM sold their disk drive division to Hitachi a number of years ago. Any IBM drive is going to be fairly old unless IBM is now relabeling drives from other OEMs.

A 10,000 RPM drive from a few years back will not be as fast as a modern 10,000 RPM drive in most cases.

Brian Elfert
IBM still brand the high end drives that come from the Hitachi factory as IBM drives, usually they actually have the brandig of the particular series of server they are designed for, xSeries is the most comman for normal scsi or iSeries for the fibre channel stuff.

There is every chance this drive would destroy a raptor if it is a relatively new generation, however if you arent really interested in SCSI because of the hassle then it might be better selling it on and putting the money towards a raptor.