Iceland Wants to Ban Internet Porn

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
How in the world does Iceland plan on banning internet porn? Good luck with that Mr. Interior Minister, you are going to have your hands full (or not) with that one.

Iceland could become the first Western democracy to block all internet porn under radical new proposals. Fears about the damaging effects on children have led the government to work on legal measures to try and stop the flood of graphic sexual material reaching the island’s shores.
lul. They gonna be doing a lot of filtering.... Probably would take years.
Didn't Austria try that with their whole national proxy thing? For a different reason, but they wanted to keep their kangaroos from downloading anime and stick to buying really big knives to kill crocodiles.
Banning porn from the Internet? Isn't that like banning heat from the sun.
ah, the old "it's for the children" argument...

Conveniently can be used to justify restricting anything deemed undesirable. Can we have a nice heart-warming book-burning afterwards too? Buh-bye 50 Shades 'cause "porn", Harry Potter 'cause "witchcraft", Catcher in the Ryan 'cause "drinking and general promiscuity", etc, etc, etc...
ah, the old "it's for the children" argument...

Conveniently can be used to justify restricting anything deemed undesirable. Can we have a nice heart-warming book-burning afterwards too? Buh-bye 50 Shades 'cause "porn", Harry Potter 'cause "witchcraft", Catcher in the Ryan 'cause "drinking and general promiscuity", etc, etc, etc...

Hell, that Bible has way more raunchy material than any of those books.
Well, there goes the need for high speed internet. Might as well drop down to 1.5Mb with no porn....

and I was really liking Iceland since the kicked the bankers out...hope they beat this one
Didn't Austria try that with their whole national proxy thing? For a different reason, but they wanted to keep their kangaroos from downloading anime and stick to buying really big knives to kill crocodiles.

Big difference between Austria vs Australia (the one you might be thinking of)
Parents can choose to filter their internet. There are a plethora of options available, this is not rocket science.

But to filter the internet for the entire people of a nation is such a load of crap.
Hell, that Bible has way more raunchy material than any of those books.
Invalid comparison since the explicit descriptions of sex acts and the like are not use in the Bible. You are obviously speaking from the position of having never read it and thus your opinion on it is completely invalidated.
Hell, that Bible has way more raunchy material than any of those books.

Just to be clear, Ögmundur Jónasson isn't a bible thumper and represents the "Left-Green Movement" in Iceland. This stuff is coming from the oposite side of the political spectrum.
Heat - sun = heatlesssun = Windows 8.

Bears eat beets.

LMAO!!! Wow. Hahaha! :p

As far as banning porn. Fuck that. People are allowed to make their own decisions. If you don't like porn don't fucking watch it. Hate when politicians try to force their agenda on the civilization.
Invalid comparison since the explicit descriptions of sex acts and the like are not use in the Bible. You are obviously speaking from the position of having never read it and thus your opinion on it is completely invalidated.

Did you just skip the entire Song of Solomon?
From what I've gathered, this group is a small niche group so this likely won't happen.

I love how they disguise "censorship" as "progressiveness" and of course throw in women and children as victims. Politics as usual.
So, are they gonna require all Bedroom and Bathroom mirrors be painted over too?

I can see the web site name changes to try to get around it.

Good luck you silly poliltician !
Didn't they learn their lesson the first time? They banned strippers and a volcano exploded. Now they want to ban internet porn? Do they have a death wish? Good luck with that! /s
We should ban politicians. I worry about their damaging effects on children.
Teen pregnancy just rose 50% by even thinking about banning porn.

So many kids are just going to have sex now, instead of fapping to super sexy porn stars.