ICS for Droid Razr Mazz :mad:


Dec 19, 2005
FYI: If you do the update be aware that the Motoblur Universal Inbox gets removed. I just completed the upgrade, and now I wish I hadn't. In fact I don't see what anyone sees in ICS. I am really pissed that the universal inbox or Messaging App as it was called by Verizon is gone. It is a real pain now because I have to check each inbox one at a time from one inbox, instead of just clicking on the one I want to view, plus the email icon stays on the last inbox you viewed, so if I want to see a different one I have to click at the top and select it rather than just going to it immediately. I can not figure out how to create an icon for each inbox, which is what I had on my old incredible. That was fine. I thought the universal inbox feature of Motoblur was really nice. Now I have nothing. What a pain.

Here is the link to the Droid Maxx Information guide with a description of the messaging app.


See pg. 22

I would appreciate if anyone can help me to either:
a: Setup an icon for each of my inboxes, 4 non gmail and 2 gmail and give them each a name.
b: Get back the Motoblur Universal Inbox Messaging feature.

Just found another annoying "feature".

Another really annoying "feature" of ICS is that they took away the ability to individually dismiss notifications from the top of the screen. In the version of the OS which came with the phone there was a minus sign next to each individual notification, say a downloaded app, or a missed call. You could just hit the minus button next to the notifications you wanted to go away and they would. Now you have to clear everything which is really annoying.

And another one. The long click to add widgets to the home screen is gone. Now you have to click the apps button, then widgets to get them. Long click only does wallpaper now. I mean really? How often does someone change their wallpaper?

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Why don't you just forward them all into one main Gmail account? By having Gmail check all of them, you get a unified inbox and can reply to each email with the correct email address. Plus, you don't have to have you phone wasting battery life checking 6 freaking email addresses.
Why don't you just forward them all into one main Gmail account? By having Gmail check all of them, you get a unified inbox and can reply to each email with the correct email address. Plus, you don't have to have you phone wasting battery life checking 6 freaking email addresses.

^^ this. Easiest/quickest way to set it up.
Go to widgets. Theres a 1x1 widget to add a specific email account icon.

I know this sounds dumb, but does the maxx has the stock ICS Email Client? Its supposed to be able to handle multiple email accounts, but I'm not sure with the way verizon likes to do stuff. I've heard that touchwiz ( I know that isn't moto) uses it's own, and I wasn't sure if Motoblur (assuming the razr's on ICS has it) does the same thing?
Go to widgets. Theres a 1x1 widget to add a specific email account icon.

Thank you so much!! Although this is not perfect, it will suffice until I can figure out how to get the Motoblur Messaging app back.

As to the other two responders, thank you for your input, but that is the last thing that I would want. I like having all my emails separate. I am not a big fan of gmail anyway. I have the maxx with it's super awesome, long lasting battery, so updating my inboxes every 15 minutes throughout the day is not a big deal.

I know this sounds dumb, but does the maxx has the stock ICS Email Client? Its supposed to be able to handle multiple email accounts, but I'm not sure with the way verizon likes to do stuff. I've heard that touchwiz ( I know that isn't moto) uses it's own, and I wasn't sure if Motoblur (assuming the razr's on ICS has it) does the same thing?

I am not sure about the stock email client, but motoblur has the messaging app which as a function, has a universal inbox. You could also add your text messages and facebook, but I don't use facebook at all, and I don't receive a lot of texts. Up until the ICS update I had the universal inbox which was awesome.
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Just download the apk you need online I'm sure it's out there everything else is
I have always used K-9 Mail. It has a unified mailbox for all e-mail accounts I have configured on it.
Yeah there's plenty of e-mail clients on the market that can replicate a unified inbox functionality and probably do so much more than whatever stock e-mail client Moto was using before... K-9, Kaiten (paid version of K-9), Enhanced Email, etc.
By unified inbox, you essentially mean 1 single inbox which lists all your emails from various clients, correct? I want each inbox separate. I don't want emails from one inbox together with emails from other inboxes. It's all about keeping them separate.

That is not really what I want, nor what the Moto client did. Essentially all it did was give a way to view each individual inbox without having them combined, on a single screen. All you had to do was click the "messaging" app and it would bring up a list of your various inboxes, you could then pick the one you wanted. When you closed the app and reopened it, you were brought back to the selection page. Basically the reason I really liked it was that I did not have to have an individual icon for each inbox.

The individual icon works, it was just nice to have the convenience of a single app which provided a list of my inboxes.

I really wish I could find the MotoBlur Messaging APK. I would just reinstall it and everything would be fine.
By unified inbox, you essentially mean 1 single inbox which lists all your emails from various clients, correct? I want each inbox separate. I don't want emails from one inbox together with emails from other inboxes. It's all about keeping them separate.

That is not really what I want, nor what the Moto client did. Essentially all it did was give a way to view each individual inbox without having them combined, on a single screen. All you had to do was click the "messaging" app and it would bring up a list of your various inboxes, you could then pick the one you wanted. When you closed the app and reopened it, you were brought back to the selection page. Basically the reason I really liked it was that I did not have to have an individual icon for each inbox.

The individual icon works, it was just nice to have the convenience of a single app which provided a list of my inboxes.

I really wish I could find the MotoBlur Messaging APK. I would just reinstall it and everything would be fine.

Why not make an email folder on the desktop with all the inboxes in it.
Just found another annoying "feature".

Another really annoying "feature" of ICS is that they took away the ability to individually dismiss notifications from the top of the screen. In the version of the OS which came with the phone there was a minus sign next to each individual notification, say a downloaded app, or a missed call. You could just hit the minus button next to the notifications you wanted to go away and they would. Now you have to clear everything which is really annoying.

if the Moto ICS is anything like the stock ICS, after you pull down the notifications you should be able to swipe individual notifications away by swiping them to the left or right
Because that would be the smart thing to do, and I don't think he knows how ICS/JB works yet.

Or Moto put out a broken-by-design stock ROM...which I think is what the OP is using.

/Skripka cringes at the thought of using a stock ROM/
Because that would be the smart thing to do, and I don't think he knows how ICS/JB works yet.

I don't know how it works. There are certainly features which are nice, disabling stock apps, resizable widgets, but some of the "features" i.e. swiping away something instead of having a simple minus button, are not convenient. Removing the ability to add widgets to the home screen by long press is another really dumb "feature". It is annoying that they are trying to group items together for convenience. The new settings menu is a prime example.

Why not make an email folder on the desktop with all the inboxes in it.

I didn't know you could. I explored that and it works great! Thanks!!

if the Moto ICS is anything like the stock ICS, after you pull down the notifications you should be able to swipe individual notifications away by swiping them to the left or right

That is still annoying. The minus sign was so much easier and convenient. A simple click rather than a motion.
I don't know how it works. There are certainly features which are nice, disabling stock apps, resizable widgets, but some of the "features" i.e. swiping away something instead of having a simple minus button, are not convenient. Removing the ability to add widgets to the home screen by long press is another really dumb "feature". It is annoying that they are trying to group items together for convenience. The new settings menu is a prime example.

I didn't know you could. I explored that and it works great! Thanks!!

That is still annoying. The minus sign was so much easier and convenient. A simple click rather than a motion.

The sliding is faster imo because you don't have to be precise about where you hit it. Your brain just needs to train its muscle memory a bit. After a week or two with ICS you should be fine.
By unified inbox, you essentially mean 1 single inbox which lists all your emails from various clients, correct? I want each inbox separate. I don't want emails from one inbox together with emails from other inboxes. It's all about keeping them separate.

OR, you can have one Gmail account pull everything, and set up automatic labeling to apply to each email address. Then just use each label as an inbox.
the stock gmail app does this for gmail accounts, atleast it does on gingerbread
OR, you can have one Gmail account pull everything, and set up automatic labeling to apply to each email address. Then just use each label as an inbox.

The fewer things I can have gmail touch the better. blackhand1001 pointed out the feature of being able to create a folder, so now I am using that. I grouped all 6 email accounts together and have a single icon on my home screen.
By unified inbox, you essentially mean 1 single inbox which lists all your emails from various clients, correct? I want each inbox separate. I don't want emails from one inbox together with emails from other inboxes. It's all about keeping them separate.

That is not really what I want, nor what the Moto client did. Essentially all it did was give a way to view each individual inbox without having them combined, on a single screen. All you had to do was click the "messaging" app and it would bring up a list of your various inboxes, you could then pick the one you wanted. When you closed the app and reopened it, you were brought back to the selection page. Basically the reason I really liked it was that I did not have to have an individual icon for each inbox.

The individual icon works, it was just nice to have the convenience of a single app which provided a list of my inboxes.

I really wish I could find the MotoBlur Messaging APK. I would just reinstall it and everything would be fine.

Several of the apps I mentioned can be configured to work either way. Stop pinning for an app Moto effectively stopped developing and try some of those out.
Sliding to wipe notifications paves the way got the new custom action buttons on JB BTW, they look very handy.