IDE for C that supports Borland


Limp Gawd
Oct 31, 2003
Alright heres the deal:

I am in a 101 level programming class for my CS major. The professor has provided Borland and GVIM for use on our personal computers.

He has told us that he really does not care what IDE we use, as long as the code compiles on Borland just fine for grading purposes.

GVIM is too simple for me. Through my MSDN access I have tried VS2008 and it seems above and beyond what I would need, and I do not know how to configure it to compile in Borland. Currently I am using C-Free. It is simple enough for me, but it does seem buggy at times. It does support Borland which is great.

There are a few others I have seen, but like VS2008 they are quite complicated.

My question is this, should I worry about sticking with Borland? It seems to me that all compilers should compile roughly the same with a few quirks for each one. In intro level programming there shouldn't be many exceptions right?

Next, can you recommend me a fairly simple IDE? I do not really need complex project and solution management that Visual Studio has. Syntax highlighting, a simple debugger, and ease of use is what I am looking for.
Borland has Turbo C++ Explorer for free:

Explorer is the free version that doesn't let you extend the IDE, the same thing MS did for the VS Express editions. Turbo C++ home page:

I wouldn't worry about the differences at a beginner level. When I took C++ classes a while ago they also used a Borland compiler. I was using gcc instead since I brought my own laptop. Never had any problems with the assignments as long as I tested it on the Borland compiler before handing it in (on paper... it was a while ago :p).
if gvim is too simple for you, then you really haven't taken the time to learn it yet.
Its not the fact that GVIM is really too simple, its mostly how I feel like I am stuck in the last decade using the GUI.

I will give Turbo C++ Explorer a shot.