IDE for Python? IDE for PHP?


Jun 6, 2004
I'm looking for a modern, Windows 7-compatible IDE for Python development?

Also one for PHP development?

Looking more for suggestions from personal experiences than just regurgitations from Google searches, thanks.
I'm not sure what features you're looking for in an IDE, but I use notepad++ for most everything these days. It has syntax highlighting and lots of other really cool features. It's more of a text editor than an IDE, but it might do what you're looking for.

I've used Eclipse with the Python plugin before. Works well with projects, but most of the time I find myself just doing stuff in the standard Python IDLE. Does everything I need it to do.
I'm not sure what features you're looking for in an IDE, but I use notepad++ for most everything these days. It has syntax highlighting and lots of other really cool features. It's more of a text editor than an IDE, but it might do what you're looking for.


I might check that one out myself. I have been using textpad. Textpad is ok, the software asks me if I want to buy it every few time I run it.
Notepad++ is a great program. Unfortunately, I am looking mostly to be able to step through code and see values. Also, to launch directly from code into execution.

Notepad++ doesn't offer that for either language.

Eclipse has PHP and Python support, but it's a bear and a half to learn. The learning curve on that application is high up there. I wish there was a better known alternative. If anyone has any other suggestions, please chime in!