Idiot Of The Day

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
You are going to have to stay with me on this one because the story is as convoluted as it is creepy. Some “hacker” dude, born in Ireland, working in Baghdad with the U.S. military was the target of a five year investigation into….wait for it….harassing teenage girls for nudie pics. Yeah, that’s what I would use my 1337 h4X0r skillz for.

An Irish-born computer hacker, working on a U.S. military base in Baghdad, used elaborate computer-hacking methods, personal information and direct threats against four Brevard County teenage girls because he wanted nude photos of them, according to documents filed in U.S. District Court in Orlando.
happy St Patrick's day for you all!! :)
I feel an urge to harass Leslie for nudie pics now. ;) Oh - lol at the article.
From anti-terrorism to child pornography... the possibilities are endless when you're a l33th4x0rz.

/me rethinks his career choices.
I feel an urge to harass Leslie for nudie pics now. ;) Oh - lol at the article.

You need to ask her age first, she might be too old. You are only suppose to harass teens for their pics.

I think idiot is to kind of a word for this person. That is a horrible thing to use your computer skills for. Threating a 14 year old if she doesn't give you nude pics of her, along with many other teens. That is fucking sicking and pathetic. People like him aren't normally liked much in prision so I am sure he will get a few brooms shoved up his ass the first week. By the time they are done with him he will greatly regret what he has done. I feel he deserves whatever happens to him.
People like him aren't normally liked much in prision so I am sure he will get a few brooms shoved up his ass the first week. By the time they are done with him he will greatly regret what he has done. I feel he deserves whatever happens to him.

I always hear that about prison, I always wonder if this is really true. I know a lot of shows have the same connotation.
Coming up next on ABC news, All Hackers are pedophiles. No adult should ever be using a computer.

wow. All that check marks on his portfolio and potential, and he does that? Nothing surprises me anymore.
I always hear that about prison, I always wonder if this is really true. I know a lot of shows have the same connotation.

There have been a few cases I recall hearing on tv on about some of the more well known rapest and killers being assulted in prison. I want to say that Jeffery Dahmer was raped with a broken broom stick. If it wasn't him it was another. From what I have heard from the "real life" prison shows, inmates don't normally like anybody that sexually assults a small child. Now in this case this guy doesn't exactly fit the description as he didn't rape them but only threatened them. But that still doesn't mean that the inmates won't find what he did just as wrong as the rest of us. There are certain lines that you just don't cross, even if you are a homicidal maniac and this guy crossed those lines.
sex offenders and child abusers- won't last in General Population. Within the criminal's own heirarcy, they are the lowest scumbags and are not tolerated; many of the most hardened criminals seem to have a genuine soft spot for kids (short eyes). Taking out one of these guys is like taking out the garbage to them...
actually I think cops are the lowest of the low along with people who rat out others, my buddy was telling me if you just start a rumor that someone is a cop chances are they will end up dead no matter if its true.
haha, i'm a resident of Brevard County.. those cities mentioned aren't too far from here actually. sucks to hear stuff like that happen to those girls. it's great that they caught the assbag though.
actually I think cops are the lowest of the low along with people who rat out others, my buddy was telling me if you just start a rumor that someone is a cop chances are they will end up dead no matter if its true.

thats what i was gonna say...dirty cops and snitches get it for real.
Theyll spend millions and 5 years investigating some horny hacker, but dont bother with substandard contractor work electrocuting soldiers. way to go US Government. Glad you got them priorities straight.
pics or shens

j/k ;)

A broomstick would be too kind for that puke. An 80 grit sandpaper dildo would be much better.
many of the most hardened criminals seem to have a genuine soft spot for kids (short eyes). Taking out one of these guys is like taking out the garbage to them...

More like an excuse to commit violent acts and feel justified. I've seen convicted murderers who don't feel a shred of remorse for their crimes make such claims about molesters, while they licked their chops. I find it hard to believe die-hard sociopaths would seriously care one way or another.. Considering that kind of psychopathy is something lacking in the inner processes of the brain.

That's not to say I wouldn't secretly be happy hearing something happen to some of the most egregious offenders, but it's not something that should be openly condoned or tolerated. To allow it not only allows more violence in prison (as if the racial and gang violence isn't enough), but can also undermine the safety of corrections officers.
More like an excuse to commit violent acts and feel justified. I've seen convicted murderers who don't feel a shred of remorse for their crimes make such claims about molesters, while they licked their chops. I find it hard to believe die-hard sociopaths would seriously care one way or another.. Considering that kind of psychopathy is something lacking in the inner processes of the brain.

That's not to say I wouldn't secretly be happy hearing something happen to some of the most egregious offenders, but it's not something that should be openly condoned or tolerated. To allow it not only allows more violence in prison (as if the racial and gang violence isn't enough), but can also undermine the safety of corrections officers.

If they all kill each other off it actually makes it better for the corrections officers as they have less people to have to watch.
actually I think cops are the lowest of the low along with people who rat out others, my buddy was telling me if you just start a rumor that someone is a cop chances are they will end up dead no matter if its true.

I have a distant relative that is an ex-cop who got almost 40 years for statutory rape.. He's been in the general population for about 14 years now. As far as I know, he hasn't ever been in any altercations over it. Funny thing about it, though, his being a cop is what made his sentence so long.. Most people who have gone in for similar charges wound up getting less than 5 years.. The judge decided to throw the book at him and give him the maximum and more.
If they all kill each other off it actually makes it better for the corrections officers as they have less people to have to watch.

That's great, in theory.. But in reality, the corrections officers would most likely wind up fired and possibly facing criminal charges themselves if they didn't intervene, and rightly so.. If you are in a prison with a thousand violent inmates, if they stood back and let something like that happen, it would probably wind up turning into a huge riot as every other malcontent piled on into it.
Wow... that's terrible. At least hack into something worth while... Why waste it on hacking some girls PC to get pics of here... there are thousands out there already
Couldn't he just have gone to a bar? Probably would found more than a mere 4 underage girls ready to tear their miniskirts off.