IE7 and zoom think I am an old lady


[H]F Junkie
Oct 10, 2001
So, I have no issues using IE7. It's a little "much" in terms of what I'd like, but I have no qualms about using it and sometimes it's just easier to use for some sites I need for school. Anyway, it automatically zooms too 100%, which I guess makes sense, but can't be right because all the pictures are pixelated. Even just going to Google gives me this.

Zoom is at 100%, but if I knock it down to just 95%, it looks fine. Problem is, it doesn't save my zoom settings once I close IE7. It may sound silly, but this has been the MAIN barrier to me using IE7 as a main browser for a while now. I'm running XP MCE, all updates installed. I just ran another update check and have no software updates related to IE7 or XPMCE left.

Am I missing something somewhere to save this setting?
Also, I run in 1920x1200 on a 17" widescreen laptop if that makes a difference.
stickied for abuse of powers because i'd like to try and figure this one out

Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced tab. Uncheck "Reset Zoom level to 100% for new windows and tabs"

That'll keep it from resizing to 100%... you shouldn't have to do that though. Video driver up to date? I've had my CRT monitor @ 1600x1200 and everything is just fine. Same here at work with my LCD at 1280 x 1024. Granted, not as high as yours, but it shouldn't get *more* pixelated with the display going higher.

For some reason, the image is being stretched, which is why you have that problem. Does that happen with all images, or just that one? I'm wondering if you have other software that's stretching the pics because of some accessibility option. The background of the webpage on your screen is grey-ish, not white (like the background of the google image). Here's what it looks like on my desktop link
Not at home right now, but will check when I get there.
Thanks for that advance tabs bit, must have missed it in my digging around.
I haven't really ever configured IE7, as this problem has occured since I installed it via windows update. It does have the add-on feature now, which may have some of my other software installed into it, like my Adobe or Acrobat Pro (yay for student book stores). It does it on my wifes account too, which is a limited user account on this laptop.

My video drivers have not been updated in a while as I have been using the drivers from notebook forum that I don't think have been updated for a few months. I'll check it later today. This is a Dell XPS M170.

Will give an update tonight after try a few things.

You may want to check the DPI settings on your monitor. If it's something other than "96 DPI", what you're experiencing might happen.

Display Settings -> Settings -> Advanced -> General
Based on the issue being with that image and not the text onscreen, I'd suspect something else. I know he's (meaning odoe) most likely not on dialup, but if he is, some ISPs use that compression crap nowadays that totally ruins images.

The text looks fine, even the button text below the search box, so it's not a zoom issue. There's something screwing up his images, and I really can't say what it is. I wonder if you, odoe, can post some other screenshots of images on a page at 100% zoom (normal size) as well as perhaps that 95% setting you're talking about.

Also, if you have some other browser installed like Firefox or Opera, try the same things: if the issue exhibits itself there too, I'd go back to my original suspicion and think your ISP is mangling images in some respects.

You could try disabling the dithering in IE7 also. If you're using 32 bit color on the Desktop, that dithering algorithm can pooch images sometimes, but not pixelate them quite as badly as that example image above. That's just horrible. :( To disable the dithering, IE - Tools - Internet Options - Advanced - scroll way down about just over halfway and find the Multimedia - Smart Image Dithering and uncheck it, click Apply, then OK, and that's that.

Hope this helps...
Just thought I would give an update on this one for any other poor soul that may have this issue.

Turns out, it was some Dell software goofing things up. The Dell Quickset software on my laptop that is used to change the light colors, battery configurations, hotkeys and stuff has some weird feature called Internet Explorer Scaling. I don't exactly know what it's purpose is, but I disabled it and not IE7 works just fine. No more weird image problems. It also explains why FF, Opera and I even tried Safari - had no weird image scaling issues.

I found it completely by accident while looking up some hotkey settings. Damn Dell :p

Sorry, couldn't resist. :p Nice to see you ended up solving it all by your lonesome and mentioning it just in case someone else has it in the future. If that happens, you'll be all over it...