IE7 losses all Cookies ETC at Restart


Apr 8, 2002
This is a really annoying problem that whenever my Computer is restarted IE7 losses all Cookies ETC everything is erased. I have this problem in Windows xp Home, Pro, MCE2005, and Vista RC2 all clean installs. I have tried all settings in IE7 and still it erases all Cookies stored data etc if my Computer is restarted. Anyone know how to fix this?
My IE7 definitely doesnt do that. I have it on both XP and Vista at home and they both keep their cookies until I clear them myself.

This doesnt happen when you close IE7 completely but it does happen when you reboot/shut down the PC?

Sounds to me like you might have a system cleaner or anti-spyware software running that cleans stuff for you.

Its just a guess, but I would think that if IE7 specifically was doing this it would happen when you close and reopen IE7 and not require a system reboot.
definately not something that I've encountered but I think jtzako has you pointed on the right track