If I don't get my Wolfdale soon - somebody will get hurt !


Dec 3, 2007
I start shaking now when I wake up in the morning.

Yes, it happened the first time this early morning.
The alarm went off and I knew it's gonna be another stressful day as a Customer Service Rep.

But there was something else I noticed ... my arms and legs were shaking !
Never had that one before but I thought it's Wolfdale's fault, or better: the lack of him.

Over the last days 80% of my mind was wandering around Wolfdale, hell even when I lay down to bed, the last thing going through my mind is "When will we be united ?"

As I can't find an answer to this question I wake up sometimes in the middle of the night, sweat all over. Had dreamed that I was Indiana Wolf, on the hunt for the lost Wolfdale.
I run through jungles and fought snakes & spiders just to find the secret precious little chip.
The tribe of the Indels are thought to have captured him and to keep him as a prisoner.

But I thought that only getting to touch him for once, or even getting a glimps at him would be enough for me.
Then I could finally lie down and die in peace ... but until then, the whole purpose of my life is to get closer to this object of my desire.
I would have sold my kidneys for him ... I would have even sold my soul to the devil.
But all I have now is shaking arms and legs.

Have seen my GP and she had a quick diagnosis where I had to undress completely.
After very short time she noded and said: "Oh dear."
I asked: "That bad ?"
She said: "Well Michael, I have bad news for you."
She asked me to sit down first so that I will not faint. I was shocked though.
Then she admitted: "I'm afraid you have Wolfdalaritis."

Good Lord !!!!! Who would have thought that ? ... :eek:

Wolfdale ! Please come soon !!!
I saw them in-stock earlier on the CompUSA website for $230 I believe (OEM). But running a search on the site proved fruitless as they seemed to have removed it. I hope for your sake, it comes soon. :p
Wolfdale ! Please come soon !!!

I hope you find "him" soon. I too have had my fill of "pr" sandwich, and I find myself searching, searching for the impossible, into the wee hours of the night. I nearly bid $240 for an E3110 Zeon tonight, but pulled back, as retail was only $205 at my local store. People are getting $300 for E8400's on ebay, whats with that? We will have our day in the sun, oh yes.
Change the "him" to a "her", unless you're a chic of course, then it might relate better to others. But I totally agree with the lack of availability being a pain. Sometimes it just seems like they do it on purpose to get the most out of every chip because AMD dunced. But that's in about every other processor thread so I'll leave it alone.
i ordered mine from newegg on 1/30 and got it a couple days later. I guess $225 shipped was pretty good then :)
Hey! the buffet is in the back - and you watch your language...or someones gonna get a hurt reeeeal bad.

+1 on the referring to the proc in the feminine.

What are you gonna throw her into? whats the rest of the spec?
There's no spec ... I'm planning to drill a hole into (her) and use (her) as a keyring ? ... if the damn Indels ever release her that means.

Well, actually I have a backup plan --->
Had dreamed that I was Indiana Wolf, on the hunt for the lost Wolfdale.

I run through jungles and fought snakes & spiders just to find the secret precious little chip.

The tribe of the Indels are thought to have captured him and to keep him as a prisoner.

But I thought that only getting to touch him for once, or even getting a glimps at him would be enough for me.

How many FPS are you getting? And at what AA settings? :p

Great post.
OP - I got your Wolfie. It came to my house :p I'm just beating on it a bit. :p

This thread is very disturbing. That said, I have been waiting for my E8500 and I'm just about out of patience! Argh.
This thread is very disturbing ...

Thank you for that compliment ...

Well dnottis, Wolfy is like me ... he likes it real hard. And make sure you give him his daily dosage of power ... let the electrons pump through his veins until he breaks out in sweat - he likes that.

And SpeedyVV ... my
Pentium 4 (2.8 GHz) manages around 25 FPS on Halo - Combat Evolved with the onboards graphics of my PC from 2003. When the action get's up - the FPS goes down sometimes to 5 only. What can I do ? Only Wolfy could help me to fight against the Covenants. ---> http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1280983

The nurse has topped up my testosterone level by 5mg per dosage, resulting in my mood swings calming down quite a bit, I am on Cabergoline twice a week for indefinite ... Wolfy has a lasting impact on me.
I will give Wolfy another two weeks ... if I still don't have him / her or one of his / her brothers / sisters by then - someone will get hurt ! ...

Oh and LanPirate1 ... thank for cheering me up. Yeah, the sun is on the way ... it will shine so bright and warm for us ... with Wolfy twins = Q9450 ... :cool:
... by the way, the nurse has given me 100cc's Antiwolfserum, well my shaking has stopped and my tears have dried ... but when I look in the mirror I notice something has changed ... hmmmm, very strange ....

I got my wolfie, the dark wolf though. I picked up an E3110 and she's( I remembered) sittin pretty at 3.6GHz with stock voltage. And whadda you know, CPU-z says its a wolfdale! Cov, it is everything people say it is, hang in there.
Gotcha ! ... Intel Core 2 Duo E8400


3 GHz / 6MB cache / 45nm ... the CPU cooler even feels cool when in normal operation.
I believe it could be cooled passively if needed to.


The diagnosis tool shows 3 GHz and sometimes 2 GHz frequency ... seems like speedstep kicks in when doing non-demanding stuff.


When doing all kinds of stuff with Vista, there are no signs of lag. My old Pentium 4 was sufficient with XP, but this CPU doesn't even sweat when under load.


I couldn't be happier with this precious little CPU ... and if I feel like it, I will replace it with the Yorkfield Q9450 and drill a hole into Wolfy and hang it around my neck.

I told a colleague at work yesterday that I have a new PC now and he said, OMG you have a CPU from hell and you write only letters and surf the web !?

that made me laugh ... :)
OP - I got your Wolfie. It came to my house :p I'm just beating on it a bit.

That's just mean.

I told a colleague at work yesterday that I have a new PC now and he said, OMG you have a CPU from hell and you write only letters and surf the web !?

Well at least it's not Solitaire.
i dont understand whats the hype about the wolf dale cpus?? =[ Someone please tell me lol.
i dont understand whats the hype about the wolf dale cpus?? =[ Someone please tell me lol.

Um, 4GHz++ overclocks on air without even trying? All while running cool n queit for < $200. Lemme guess, you've got your quad blinders on.
Um, 4GHz++ overclocks on air without even trying? All while running cool n queit for < $200. Lemme guess, you've got your quad blinders on.

Nope, i dont favor any of the two main cpu right now (quad or e8400). i just brought the e8400 because of the 3mb cache per core lol :p