If you found a gem of a monitor resurface for a fraction of its cost...


I got one with a remote this time! Also I got 2 USB wires! Maybe I can control all three monitors with one remote :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

The bottom one is the one that came with the accessories, the other two on top didn't:(:(:(:(:(


Some preliminary pics for my set up on my $25 Galant desk:D:D:D

I got one remote at least but now I can control all 3 at the same time with the remote!:eek:



The three lined up like that looks pretty damn impressive.

What video card are you using?

Right now those three are at my new house while I am still trying to get my OC stable...So I haven't had the chance to test them out yet.

But I am using 2x8800GT's in SLi and hoping Big Bang II will allow me to use all three while still in SLi
Damn. I missed out. I wish I had seen this thread a little sooner, before ordering that BenQ E2200HD. :p

Anyone know of any other sources for these gems?
I am having a bit of problem right now. I have NEC hooked up to a 4850 via vga with the included dvi to vga adapter. This is a new computer with no OS installed yet. When I boot, a little window pops up saying "PC-2 out of range" and stays there until I push exit on the monitor, then it pops up again after 15 seconds. I can see everything else like the BIOS and windows install behind the window but the screen image doesn't fill up the whole screen, with black bars on top and bottom.
I am having a bit of problem right now. I have NEC hooked up to a 4850 via vga with the included dvi to vga adapter. This is a new computer with no OS installed yet. When I boot, a little window pops up saying "PC-2 out of range" and stays there until I push exit on the monitor, then it pops up again after 15 seconds. I can see everything else like the BIOS and windows install behind the window but the screen image doesn't fill up the whole screen, with black bars on top and bottom.

Get a DVI cable. They're cheap. You're not using the screen justice by using the VGA connection.
Just installed a DVI cable. It doesn't look any different from the VGA with DVI->VGA I was using. I am using a radeon 4850. I was hoping the text would get sharper but it still has that kind of oversharpened look to it. However, I didn't notice this when I had the NEC hooked up to a Sony Vaio laptop with VGA out back before I built my new PC. So I have some theories.

1. Something wrong with the Radeon 4850 or maybe XP because the Vaio was running Vista and my new PC is running XP.
2. The NEC doesn't like DVI and the DVI->VGA connection went through DVI too so it suffers the same problem.
3. The NEC has a prominent screen door. I sit about a foot away and can see it very easily. The VGA blurs the text a bit, making the screen door less noticeable as well as, possibly, the non-linear placement of pixels inherent to IPS screens (?) look sharper.

I am comparing the text to my vaio laptop. It is a 13.3" with 1280x800. It has a higher dot pitch but I can see the individual pixels and text looks very sharp and straight on it, even though everything like viewing angle and color suffer. Is it because it's a TN panel?

I am in no way saying this screen is bad. It's just not as sharp as I would like. Everything else looks great like photos, videos, and games.
I think it is just the dot pitch and the screen door effect. I am going to try and sit furthe away. It's mainly black text on white.
I was hoping the text would get sharper but it still has that kind of oversharpened look to it.
I think the sharpness setting that has no sharpening or blurring is around 10-20%. I'd rather not have a sharpness setting at all.
any idea where i can still get one of these?

Yeah, Tech4less has been out of them a while now. How much were they selling for? The black version on back order is listed at $377.65, but I don't think they used to be that much.
got my two for $189.00 each a year ago from them one with 400 hours and the other had 8:) hours of operation,one remote for the two
Middle one has 712hrs with no dead pixels
Left one has almost 5000hrs with 1 dead pixel
Right one has around 2100hrs with 1 dead pixel

All in all, it was worth the $470 :D

I'm still using my two I got back when this deal originally broke. Great monitors, no dead pixels and low hours on both of them. I have one hooked up to my HTPC in my bedroom and the other is sitting alongside my LG246WP-BN in my computer room. I only paid 230 for the LG on clearance at CC a year back and 200 each for the NECs also a year ago. A steal at those prices n I'm still lovin em a year later!
I'm seriously debating getting 2 of these for each side of my 30" and ditching my shitty TN 22" on my friend or something.
The NEC 20WMGX2 has been discontinued for some time now. If there's a deal you need to jump on it asap.
Someone had 80 or 90 of therse for sale on ebay about a month ago. They were asking just under $200 per. I already had 2 from Newegg before they were discontinued so I didn't buy any off the bay. The last one I did buy I had to make 3 swaps with NEC due to bad backbleed etc. I wasnt in any hurry to buy any refurbs of this display. If I didnt have one though I would try a refurb because its great monitor all around. I see people sell a single used NEC20WMGX on ebay now and then and they sell for about 250-275ish. They are well built so a used one of these thats a year old or more wouldn't scare me. My first one was $600 and that was down from $700.
I still have two of these that I got from etech4sale on the original deal. One of them has a flickering horizontal green line. Thing is, it's not there all the time and comes and goes. I'm not sure if this is an overheating problem with the GPU because the lines almost look like they could be artifacts from the GPU perhaps due to dying VRAM or something. Anyone else have this issue with this monitor?
I still have two of these that I got from etech4sale on the original deal. One of them has a flickering horizontal green line. Thing is, it's not there all the time and comes and goes. I'm not sure if this is an overheating problem with the GPU because the lines almost look like they could be artifacts from the GPU perhaps due to dying VRAM or something. Anyone else have this issue with this monitor?

I'd RMA it.

I had a similar problem with mine (red lines).

Replaced the panel at no charge.
Curious if these are still available for sale anywhere?

All links in this thread seem to be sold out.
You can't have mine. :)

Anyway, finding one even refurbished, is a daunting task right now. I think you would be better off with the Dell 2209WA.
The image quality is almost as good and you get a 3 year warranty instead of.... a few months to none at all.
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Lol I have a spare too. I left it at college though so I can't sell it until I get back. I am moving into a smaller room next year so I dont think I will have room for it anymore. It makes my 30" LP3065 look bad. Great for TV as well. SDTV just looks good on it somehow.
Thanks guys. I am asking b/c I have a friend who is in the market for another one. I sold the two I originally bought (found out I prefer Matte screens and don't seem to need a lot of the benefits that panel provides). My friends wants to find one for photo editing purposes. Will let him know about this site....good to see there are a few floating about.