If you want vista 64 bit - you get to pay for it (it's a feature)


Limp Gawd
Jan 24, 2006
Yes if you order Ultimate you get both the 32 and 64 bit media.

Any other retail version of vista is going to require that you pay for the 64 bit media.

I purchased retail home premium. It includes only the 32 bit .... well that sucks. Then I find out the only way to get the 64 bit version is to pay 9.95 for the media. I've never seen that crap anywhere .. but sure enough it's hidden on their site. So the OS I wanted didn't cost $226.99(via the egg), but rather $226.99 + 9.95 (64-bit penalty) + 6.00 (expedited shipping which is still 6 days) = $242.94

When I try to oder the media I find out they can't write a web page that works with Mozilla. (again ... why should I expect them to be able to write a stable operating system?)

I called their 64 bit media 800 number to confirm they don't have this available for free somehow (download maybe?) and the best the person can say is 'not to my knowledge" Then I'm unable to order the media via the phone because their systems are down. The person was able to confirm that the systems that were down were running Microsoft operating systems. There were also multiple errors when I went to the online site to order.

the money back refund number for MS is 888 673-8624. You've got 45 days after purchase.
Stick with XP if you've got it.
So you are pissed because you have to pay shipping for another disc? You do know that was common knowledge before you made the purchase, right?

You have so much pre-disposed hatred of Microsoft, why are you even considering the upgrade? What's forcing you to upgrade from XP?

Maybe I'm just getting crankier as I get older, but I really don't see why we have to have all these threads.

If you don't $%#!! like the product, the company, the licensing rules, the purchasing policies, etc......don't upgrade your goddamn computers! The madness and ridiculousness of all of these threads is getting worse by the hour.

I'd be willing to bet a large sum of money, that the OP would get their Vista 64 disc, and then start several knew threads whining and bitching about what didn't work in Vista 64 yet. :rolleyes:
Seriously, you should've done your research.

That said, I think it's rather lame that they made you pay shipping. Charging for the 64-bit version is acceptable, considering the fact that they never claimed any version but Ultimate actually came with 64-bit installers.
You do know that was common knowledge before you made the purchase, right?

What was common knowledge was that both 32 and 64 bit versions would be in the box. Just check any of the online Vista forums and a broad assortment of computer publications.

There is some very fine print on the box that says that the 64 bit version has to be purchased separately. I knew it was there and looked for it yesterday in a shop. It took me quite a while to find it, so it's not like MS went out of their way to bring it to anyone's attention.

BTW - I didn't go there to buy Vista, but looked for that message specifically to see how prominent it was. MS is pulling a fast one here and only a drooling [word censored by HardForum - funny that they won't allow f a n b o y] would claim otherwise.
I was in the same boat, i was caught off guard with no 64bit in the box. A little research showed, i hadn't done my research and should have known that.

But i think it's lame they are charging $10 for it. Should be "if you need we'll ship it"

Hell sun sends me solaris disk about every 6 months and at no point in my life do i ever remember asking for them. God i hate solaris.
Hell sun sends me solaris disk about every 6 months and at no point in my life do i ever remember asking for them. God i hate solaris.

LMAO. I don't really have much input for this topic, but that required a post.
I got Vista Business 32-bit free (thanks MS!) and I downloaded the 64-bit DVD at work. I win!
dl it. the key will work. the software is useless anyway, what you bought was a license.
geeezus christ, quit bitching about $9.99. You probably spent $600+ on your video card, and you are complaining about this crap?, good lord...
What was common knowledge was that both[/U ]32 and 64 bit versions would be in the box. Just check any of the online Vista forums and a broad assortment of computer publications.

WRONG wrong wrong wrong wrong so wrong it's not even funny. I know I'm just one person around here but I've been telling people since the first week of November that the only way you'd get both the 32 bit installer DVD and the 64 bit installer DVD was if you purchased Ulimate in the Retail box - I've been preaching it so much but no one listens, as well as the fact that you'd be able to get the 64 bit version for a nominal shipping and handling fee.


Oh, and djnes last post? I'd Quote it For Truth but, pretty often he's always right on the money... "The cream rises to the top..."


"Make it stop... it hurts... oh god... please... ooohhhh... it hurts..." :D
So you are pissed because you have to pay shipping for another disc? You do know that was common knowledge before you made the purchase, right?
If I knew is was common knowledge then I wouldn't be pissed. It might have been mentioned, by someone, but I've been lurking around the vista posts but I flat out never saw that mentioned. The answer to you questions are yes and no. That makes me uncommon. :D - at least I won't have to deal with bbz_Ghost's cream at the top or something.
You have so much pre-disposed hatred of Microsoft, why are you even considering the upgrade? What's forcing you to upgrade from XP?
hatred of MS? No. Frustration, yes. I tried to do the right thing and buy retail, had I ignored their licensing like most will do with the OEM version this wouldn't have been an issue. I'm upgrading from 2K. If I had XP I wouldn't be upgrading to XP with Vista service pack.
Maybe I'm just getting crankier as I get older, but I really don't see why we have to have all these threads.
If you think you're cranky at 28 .. just wait. This is something I wouldn't have thought to research. vista 63 bit OS of the future!! that's what we've heard over and over... I didn't realize that after I bought the OS I wouldn't have access to it. I put this out here to inform people. My tone is crap, but my intent is to make sure people see this 'common knowledge'.
I'd be willing to bet a large sum of money, that the OP would get their Vista 64 disc, and then start several knew threads whining and bitching about what didn't work in Vista 64 yet. :rolleyes:
Thanks for the conjecture:eek: , but I'm ready for the OS (and the good and bad that comes with it) ... well I'll be ready in 10 days when I get what I bought.
Martyr said:
dl it. the key will work. the software is useless anyway, what you bought was a license.
I'd love to, but tell me where? That's what I expected when I discovered the proble, I've spoken with 4 different people at MS about this and no one mentions that a DL is available, but that I'm required to make the purchase. I could probably go 'find it', but I'd rather get it from a MS site. <--- see my love and faith in MS?

I'm not bitching about $9.99, it's $9.95!! and the $6 for expedited shipping...... and the video card was $649.99. I'll leave my complaints about the 'Vista Ready' sticker on that box for tomorrow.
WRONG wrong wrong wrong wrong so wrong it's not even funny. I know I'm just one person around here but I've been telling people since the first week of November

The FACT is that many sources have been saying that both DVDs were going to be in the package. Your statements otherwise don't make that untrue. While you and some others may have known, there are more than enough sources that stated definitively that both would be there. A reasonable person would call that a problem - MS did a lousy job of managing the FUD.

If MS wanted to be reasonable, they would have printed the information in a prominent place on the packaging and it would have been a no-brainer to have shipped both 32bit packages and 64 bit packages so that someone could buy the right version immediately instead of handing their money to MS and then being nickel-and-dimed as well as having time wasted to get the real 64 bit version.

Apologize all you want for MS, but this is a badly managed introduction of a new product. The facts are not out there and MS is not telling people up front.
So if I buy a car in red should I therefore complain that I have to pay twice to get the same car again in blue? Before someone throws out the argument that it costs nothing for MS to throw in both versions into the same box, i can assure you there were incremental development costs for even considering a two versions (which I don't agree with, but won't derail this thread with my opinion on that matter). Thinking otherwise is the same line of thought that allows many people to justify that software piracy isn't theft. You paid for a 32-bit version and that is what you got. Don't complain just because you take the car home and realized that you like the blue one more. Get it repainted blue or pay the $10 for the 64-bit one, either way it costs less than buying another one.
So if I buy a car in red should I therefore complain that I have to pay twice to get the same car again in blue?

You would if the company forces you to buy a red car when you wanted a blue car in the first place.

The solution is simple - sell both 32 and 64 packages so that you can buy the one you want and not have to buy the one you don't want and then pay more (and wait) for the one you do want. I see lots of shelf space in the big box computer shops and it's all devoted to 32 bit versions (Ultimate excepted). Some of that shelf space could have been given over to 64 bit versions.
Don't feel bad, my Dell has the Vista upgrade option and I have to pay $10 shipping on that too. I'm still not sure how it costs $10 to ship a disc.
You would if the company forces you to buy a red car when you wanted a blue car in the first place.

The solution is simple - sell both 32 and 64 packages so that you can buy the one you want and not have to buy the one you don't want and then pay more (and wait) for the one you do want. I see lots of shelf space in the big box computer shops and it's all devoted to 32 bit versions (Ultimate excepted). Some of that shelf space could have been given over to 64 bit versions.

No, this is more like having the red car available on the lot and the blue car available for the same price + shipping from the warehouse. Except that shipping on Vista is significantly cheaper than shipping a car.

The point is, most people don't want or need x64, and it costs more to package the two together, because they need to either use a dual layer disc or else pack in two boxes. They made a business decision, and if x64 is important enough to you, you'll pay the $10 shipping fee.
Don't feel bad, my Dell has the Vista upgrade option and I have to pay $10 shipping on that too. I'm still not sure how it costs $10 to ship a disc.
That's an excellent point. No one seems to be bitching about that.
The point is, most people don't want or need x64, and it costs more to package the two together, because they need to either use a dual layer disc or else pack in two boxes. They made a business decision, and if x64 is important enough to you, you'll pay the $10 shipping fee.

Or they could've just raised the price of the OS $10 and just included an x64 disk in the box... That way they'd make $10 on every copy, even if the person didn't want x64 and they'd save time for everyone that does.
I've thought about why they didn't include a 64bit disc in the other packages quite a bit. I suppose if they fuck you for 400 dollars for vista ult full, or 250 for the upgrade, then, sure we'll give you another shiney dvd.

Both versions should of been included in every retail box. While the information is out there, it doesn't mean there shouldn't be an uprising against microsoft for doing it, because its super lame. Their OS's are expensive - worth it or not in your opinion - and it wouldn't of hurt them to include it. I'd love to hear their PR go on about how they didn't want to confuse normal customers... idiots.