IGA Coming to CS 1.6

The Goose

Oct 29, 2006

In short, Valve has signed a deal with IGA and ads will soon be put in 1.6. Interestingly enough, they are not putting the ads in CS: Source or any other Valve games, just 1.6. Ads may be put in Source games in the future, though.

The bad news: Umm, ads?

The good news: I trust Valve to not go overboard with the IGA or to just put the money in their pockets like some other *cough EA *cough* companies. The rep from Valve says that they are looking in to using the money to help mod makers and other small-market game devs. I'm also hoping for some price reductions on games, something EA seems to have forgotten.

To be honest..

When I was playing 2142 the ads were there yes. EA however, muffled them sorta. Like on my screen I saw an Intel ad on a bilboard but it was all scarred/burnt like a missile had hit it. Couldn't really see it so it wasn't distracting or out there enough to pull me out of the combat "experience".

In CSS though..that's going to be a totally different story. Where you can die almost instantaneously, the last thing anyone wants to see/be distracted by is a godamn World of Warcraft ad. (example, calm down !!!!!!s.)
Really, who cares? I don't mind seeing a small ad on a wall.. but over-doing it is another story.

Reading that, it just seems they are testing this IGA out to see if they can make big money, with no concern for the players(customers) what so ever or what the players have to say.
RailGunRiz said:
the last thing anyone wants to see/be distracted by is a godamn World of Warcraft ad. (example, calm down !!!!!!s.)

I can see it now. A bot in every server named Leeroy Jenkins who runs around and snatches the gun out of your hand.