iis or apache?


Nov 22, 2003
iis or apache for Windows Server 2003?

I will be setting up (iis or apache) w/ php and mysql, to serve several websites and forums.
apache would be my preference, but if you're not familiar with administrating it, then iis would probably be easier. also there are differences in the security of each, which would lean me towards apache also.
well I believe you need iis if you plan on hosting certain microsoft services. I know that there are certain things you can program using frontpage and such that will only work on a server that is running iis...of course apache is free and very widely used and works well
Apache without a doubt. It is an open-source, community based project. Development is ongoing, and security holes are patched infinitely faster. Not to mention that PHP and MySQL are designed for apache, but ported to IIS as a second tier project. Apache is far more configurable, and best of all, free. You won't have to purchase or "purchase" windows server 2003, and you'll get a product with no max connection licensing issues.

Apache configuration is not difficult at all. There are a great many guides available on the issue, and even novices can set up a working configuration in less than an hour.

If you need specific help setting up either the server or the forum software, PM me, I'm available.
Anyone have a good (apache/php/mysql) tutorial for windows install??

Or should i just wing it and download the .exe installers for all three apps.

Tutorials always make me feel safer when im installing and don't wanna mess anything up LOL :D
hmmyah said:
Anyone have a good (apache/php/mysql) tutorial for windows install??

Or should i just wing it and download the .exe installers for all three apps.

Tutorials always make me feel safer when im installing and don't wanna mess anything up LOL :D
apache's website has very detailed instructions for installation and administration. Everything is documented. Winging it isn't always good with public servers since there is a lot of things that could cause you trouble if you don't know about them.