IIS7 Forum Software Recommendations


Mar 19, 2011
Hey there.

I was using Abyss Web Server for aeons to host my websites (probably since 2004 or some such). Set up Win2k8R2 on one of my boxen (it's legal, FYI, since I know someone will go "HAO U HAVE THAT?! U NO A BUSINESS!!", at least in their head), and decided to give IIS7 a spin, maybe code some stuff for NTLM authentication, etc..

Anyway I want to set up a forum. Typically I'd look to Python or PHP for something like this, but IIS has ASP.NET built into it, so if there's a simple solution using that I'd rather give that a spin first. Looking around there weren't too many, the one I think I'll install ATM just for testing is "YAF.NET", but looking through the ZIP file it looks pretty overcomplicated.

Anybody have any recommendations, or should I really just install PHP and use the same stuff Id've used in the past?
What aspects of it do you think are "overcomplicated"?

What are your goals for this forum? Just to experiment with IIS? Are you running a public site? How many users? Customization? Integration?
No users yet, anticipated low traffic, planning to start a public forum on my site, which currently is public.

Beyond theme, no customization is needed. Don't care about integration.

Would prefer something that can run on SQLite or another database not requiring an SQL server, as that is unnecessary overhead for low traffic.
SQLite is nice, but SQL Server doesn't inherently have ridiculous overhead.

Even more so, the choice of DB vendor should be completely agnostic for you. That responsibility falls on the vendor of the forum you choose. They would be responsible for proper DB schema, querying (both syntax and frequency), and many other aspects that you shouldn't deal with at all.
I do a lot of work with IIS and PHP... truthfully Microsoft has really opened their arms to the open source community lately.

They literally have installers built for most popular PHP applications that automatically setup PHP and MySQL to run on IIS.

Here is a link for phpBB:

We have several high use and db intensive PHP apps running on IIS with zero issues.
You should try what I have running now. I have gaming clan call Lowlife Division http://lowlifedivision.net and it uses the famous phpbb open source forum platform. You will need IIS, MySQL and PHP, which are the main core requirements to run this.
I got Server 2008 R2 with IIS running. I had to install php fast CGI to use php, then I install and configure MySQL server since it's also one of the main requirements for my forums.

This guide (the manual way so you know what's really going on of if you want to change some settings to your preference) will tell you how to setup php with IIS http://www.howtogeek.com/?post_type=post&p=50432
MySQL guide for beginners to get started under windows and IIS environment http://learn.iis.net/page.aspx/353/...ysql-for-php-applications-on-iis-7-and-above/
& phpbb documentation http://www.phpbb.com/support/documentation/3.0/?from=submenu