ikariam.org - addictive

Looks like a promising time-waster at work...thanks!

I'm on the Zeta server also

Town: Ziti

I'm on the theta server with some friends. Too bad you're all on the zeta server :(

On theta I'm Truxton. Ranked 350 so far and climbing.
cool game.

just wonder why they made the game pace so slow. i just log in once a hour to upgrade.
well guess I cant get in, it is saying max number of registrations has been reached :(
I started an account.
I got the same message that it was full.
Go to the top and select the USA flag and start a new game.
I’ll post my stats later forgot to write them down.:D
Finios[78:88] > Gettysburg

On Zeta server. Seems like fun, and a game you can play at work without wasting too much time :cool:

I think I'll be playing this one for a while. How is everyone doing in this? I just started like 2 days ago, also have Wine press researched and my Town Center to lvl 4. Our little island doesn't seem too far advanced so I don't think I need to research Military for a while, might just invest in Economy for the moment, sound like a good plan?