I'm about to Smash My Card. Looking for a new one.


Limp Gawd
Dec 21, 2007
My little Audigy4 Card is causing me Problems. I hate Creative Drivers, so terrible.

I use SPDIF mainly. Card is plugged into a DTS/DD Receiver. Also use HeadPhones at night and use the card to Record music.

I will use the card to play movies in 5.1 via Coax, and also record via the analog inputs.
I heard that with DD Live or DTS Connect, my games will finally be 5.1 with Coax.

I don't think I want to use a Creative product Again.

Any Recommendations ? I can adjust my budget.
Have you fiddled with the drivers? Have you tried Daniel_K's support pack? It's awesome.

Creative 4 lyfe :p
Xonar DX does what you are looking for at a reasonable price. Actually, I'm not sure about the analog input part, now that I think about it.