I'm at a loss.. Router forwarding myspace logins to google.com?


Steve's a Dick
Jan 6, 2002
This problem popped up today when I got home from work and tried to log in to myspace.

First and foremost: Router is a WRT54GL with the latest firmware, ISP is comcast residential cable service in Tacoma, WA

As soon as I hit login on myspace (all other sites work fine). It forwards me to google.com instantly.

So I tried IE6, IE7, Opera, Firefox.. All the same result.

So I whip out my macbook, Tried shiira, camino, and safari. All the same result.

Everyone else in my house has the same problem now. No one made any router changes. It just started happening out of nowhere.

The only way for me to successfully login to myspace is to go DIRECTLY through the modem, if I touch the router in any way shape or form it repeats the exact problem of when clicking 'login' i get sent straight to google.com

I've tried the following:
Using Level3 DNS servers instead of what comcast feeds me
Using Myspace's IP directly
Connecting to the router over wireless
Connecting to the router over ethernet cable
Logging into myspace with @comcast.net, @hotmail.com, @gmail.com (I initially thought it might be forwarding me to google because of my gmail domain. nope.)
I did a factory defaults reset on the router, didn't help.
Held the button down to reset it, didn't help.
Flashed the router's factory firmware with DD-WRT

It repeats it consistently without fail unless I plug straight into the modem. I'm really struggling to see how the fuck a router with entirely different firmware is still doing the same shit.

If anyone has a clue it would really put my mind at ease.
flush your DNS cache on your system

ipconfig /flushdns

try again.

tracert www.myspace.com and see where it takes you.

Its been done. On all systems, the local DNS service has been reset as well.

tracerting myspace.com takes me to their servers. Its only after hitting login am I forwarded to google.
Have you written down all the settings and then reset the router to the default config yet?
What if you switch your DNS servers to something like OpenDNSs servers, just to take your local Comcast DNS servers out of the loop? On both the router...and for another test plug them in manually on a workstation.

Your local Comcast DNS servers may have been poisoned.
Yeah, we're on a T1 circuit and I'm getting the same problem. Using a Linksys WRT54G v6. I do not thisnk this is a DNS problem, I've isolated that and it didn't help.
Tried from 3x different ISP sources on the north east coast....get to MySpace and log in no problems.
What if you switch your DNS servers to something like OpenDNSs servers, just to take your local Comcast DNS servers out of the loop? On both the router...and for another test plug them in manually on a workstation.

Your local Comcast DNS servers may have been poisoned.

Yup, tried different DNS, level3 and openDNS's, neither help.

Its odd that more people are having this problem though.. weird.
I guess this is open and shut

Spoofing my router's mac address to one of my local systems made it work now.

Apparantly its mac address based in some way
I have Windows XP, and for two days I have not been able to log into MySpace and get redirected to Google. I suspect a worm. I can't find a fix for it though.
LOL. But seriously tho'.

It's pissing me off that this thing is kicking my butt. I have tried half a dozen worm removal tools, reinstalled IE, cleared every last nook and cranny on my machine of cached crap. Updated my virus scan...

I wonder if someone will cook up a fix for this? I wonder how many people it has happened to?
I'd throw on Ethereal/Wireshark/do some TCPdumping and watch the packets. And stop using the computer for anything important. If your myspace login is "redirecting you to google" (who knows what it's doing in the middle of that process) then God knows what else is going on and what other information is being zombie'd elsewhere.

Actually I just realized the original guy had it happen on all computers. Interesting.
I spoofed my router's mac address to one of my internal computer's mac addresses and it resolved the issue.

I spoofed my router's mac address to one of my internal computer's mac addresses and it resolved the issue.


Totally weird. Throughout the day...I work from many different PCs...coming from many different ISP sources, often flipping through many different VPN tunnels. So I can appear to come from quite a few different MAC addresses. I haven't goofed around on MySpace for a while..but odd how somehow it bound to a MAC address for two of you in this post.
I'm having the same problem. I e-mailed the myspace customer service a couple days ago but I haven't received a response. This is happening at home only. I tried to login at work and there is no problems there. I have a Mac and there is also a PC in the house as well and both of them immediately direct me to google.com. I have no idea what the problem is but if you find out what the problem is can you please let me know as well.


This is day 4 for me, and I still have not resolved the problem. I can still get into myspace via proxy and another PC, which leads me to believe my home PC is infected with a still- unknown worm. I have been searching the web daily, looking for news on the issue. I have yet to find a permanent fix.

I have tried every worm and spyware remover known to man. I sucks being an unwitting zombie, poised to attack, and not knowing why when or where I will strike. No one can or has taken time to tell us how to heal ourselves.

I think it will take a few million of us to get infected for someone at MySpace to notice their traffic is dropping off. Or maybe when the attack is sprung, the problem in or PCs will be more apparent.

Still waiting in BOT land to ovethrow the world, unintentionally,
"Zombie" Saucer
Same problem here, my wife has not been able to login to myspace in about three days now. She e-mailed myspace and they replied with instructions to clear her cookies and temporary internet files, lol. I don't have a clue- I'm just grateful it didn't block anything important like hardforum.com or walmart.com!!!
I have had several calls to my shop within the last week regarding strange website issues, such as Comcast.net's new page not loading, and a real estate web site forwarding to the wrong page. Every one of them ( 4 I believe ) needed to update the firmware on their Linksys router, simple as that. Very strange though, I never would have expected that - but I'm sure glad, it's bringing us plenty of business.
I have had several calls to my shop within the last week regarding strange website issues, such as Comcast.net's new page not loading, and a real estate web site forwarding to the wrong page. Every one of them ( 4 I believe ) needed to update the firmware on their Linksys router, simple as that. Very strange though, I never would have expected that - but I'm sure glad, it's bringing us plenty of business.

if it really is a problem with my router's firmware it will be the most bizarre computer problem I have ever encountered. I downloaded the newest firmware (dated 7-2007) and I'll install it tomorrow. thanks!
If tracert takes you to MySpace's servers... isn't a DNS issue. EX wouldn't be if you have flushed caches and done all that you have done.

It would seem that there is a HOST entry or router configuration preventing this. But being you can bypass the router and go straight for the modem- it knocks out both of these possibilities (you've said you factory reset the router).

I also wouldn't think this is just MySpace traffic dropping off, as it is a consistent and ongoing issue for more than one person...

One thing I would suggest: for everyone reading and having this issue: What ISP do you use? This could be limited to a particular ISP.
EX when changing the MAC address- it seems to me that your ISP is limiting something.

That all said- considering you can hit the front page (you said you tried logging in via different email account- meaning you hit the front page)... it means you are getting MySpace correctly and there is no communication problem.
So- the issue does appear to be MySpace's fault... and doing some searching online- it is a problem for many, and there are no fixes yet.
However it is still strange it is only on certain connections, bypassing routers work, changing MAC addresses work, etc...

Truely strange.
My ISP is Roadrunner in Wichita Falls, Texas. I'd be amazed if there is anyone else on here using the same. But the more ideas, the merrier!!

I did find one fix... that was to download and install myspace instant messenger and then use that to access your profile. it worked for me and now my wife is happy again :)
It's not your router. I don't use one, and I have the problem.

I use Cox Internet, and I can see from who is on-line on MySpace, several of my Cox friends are logging on.

I think it is a still unidentified worm.
This is extreme but since it has been commented the anti virus scans and the such have not found anything and neither has any manual work try a complete format and reinstall of the operating system after you backup you data of course, however do not and I repeat do not restore any of the backup data just run the clean OS with the proper drivers and see if the problem persist. If the problem is not happening then it very well may be an unknown malicious program of some type, if the problem continues well at least you got the junk cleaned up.
Just a wild shot- for someone having this issue... try booting into Safe Mode w/ Networking- see if it still has a problem. Chances are if it is a virus causing it- it won't be running under safe mode (Boot into safe mode- immediately try getting to it- don't run anything else).

Could be a worm- but I wouldn't think it would go undiscovered for this long...
Totally weird. Throughout the day...I work from many different PCs...coming from many different ISP sources, often flipping through many different VPN tunnels. So I can appear to come from quite a few different MAC addresses. I haven't goofed around on MySpace for a while..but odd how somehow it bound to a MAC address for two of you in this post.

I can't speak for US ISP, but we assing IP's via the MAC-adress in our router.
No PPPoE(extra overhard), no user/PW for the user to remember, we avoid all sorts of 3. party (mat times very buggy) 3. party hardware on our network and we can even tie configurations to the MAC-adress.(SIP ect.)

Dunno if this is related though...I miss a complete tracroute in order to start an errors search/bug-solving..
I can't speak for US ISP, but we assing IP's via the MAC-adress in our router.
No PPPoE(extra overhard), no user/PW for the user to remember, we avoid all sorts of 3. party (mat times very buggy) 3. party hardware on our network and we can even tie configurations to the MAC-adress.(SIP ect.)

Dunno if this is related though...I miss a complete tracroute in order to start an errors search/bug-solving..

Pretty much the same here...bridged DSL, and cable connections, usually get their IP via MAC. PPPoE DSL users have the login.

But my point above....I'm online from many different sources. Sometimes from my same laptop coming from different networks, other times from other PCs...like my home gaming rig, home SBS box, office workstation, etc. From various ISPs also...as I travel around clients...several different cable ISPs, several different DSL ISPs, several different T-1 and OC3 networks, etc.

However, I only hit MySpace from Firefox...with the adblocker. I'd want to format my computer if Internet Explorer ever touched it, or if that problematic guaranteed to hose your PC MySpace messenger program ever got near my PC.
Pretty much the same here...bridged DSL, and cable connections, usually get their IP via MAC. PPPoE DSL users have the login.

But my point above....I'm online from many different sources. Sometimes from my same laptop coming from different networks, other times from other PCs...like my home gaming rig, home SBS box, office workstation, etc. From various ISPs also...as I travel around clients...several different cable ISPs, several different DSL ISPs, several different T-1 and OC3 networks, etc.

However, I only hit MySpace from Firefox...with the adblocker. I'd want to format my computer if Internet Explorer ever touched it, or if that problematic guaranteed to hose your PC MySpace messenger program ever got near my PC.

Do you use the same PC, from all those places?
If yes, we have a winner ;)
3rd time I'm claiming..at times yes..and at time...no, different PCs.

...I'm online from many different sources. Sometimes from my same laptop coming from different networks, other times from other PCs...like my home gaming rig, home SBS box, office workstation, etc.
I had the same problem......

WRT54G running Tomato

MY SOLUTION was to REBOOT the router!

After rebooting my cable modem and router it worked flawlessly.
I live in the Bay Area (California) and AT&T is my ISP. I also just rebooted my router and it works perfect.

Thanks. :D
I'm not using a router. On the first day of this problem, I shut down my modem, even disconnected it, for several hours.
god, that is bizarre, sounds like an (outside,inside) static NAT. If you do a capture iwth wireshark, I'd be interested to see if your TCP request is being sent to and answered from the myspace IP. You can't make a TCP connection with a host and get data from another host, it doesn't work that way. Something, somewhere, is NAT'ing the address for you....strange.
I installed Wireshark and did a capture. It's all Greek to me. What am I looking for?
I installed Wireshark and did a capture. It's all Greek to me. What am I looking for?

I'd look primarily for:
* The DNS response (compare the responses from a working session and a bad session)
* The various HTTP connections contents reassembled (follow TCP stream I think is what does this, been a while since I actually used a graphical tool)
* The actual IP addresses that you end up connecting to / getting responses from (cross reference those with the domain resolves that you are actually seeing)

My guess is that if this is widespread, and no ill-intent programs (malware, bots, other nastyness) can be found, and only one device seems to be having the issue (WRT54G seems to be popular amongst this thread, or at least Linksys gear?) that it could actually be a poorly designed hash table (that is, a hash collision so you get forwarded to a destination that doesn't make sense).

It would be way more amusing for this to be a Linksys specific worm though.