I'm drunk but I'm still folding!!!!


Nov 16, 2008
Ubernerd alert! It's a sad, sad day when I'm going out getting tanked, working on picking up girls (mothers included), and thinking about how many PpD I'm getting folding. Long live rock -n- roll my folders!!!!

-D j K i l l a-

P.S. I'll worry about my posting later when I've sobered up. Don't be surprised if my post disappeares, I'm sure I'll regret posting this tomorrow. But till then, I'm buzzed biotch!

Hardcore. Thinking about PpD when hammered. I'm afraid if I do that I'd go on an shopping spree to up my D...

*takes out the Bombay Sapphire* :D
I'm just wondering if it's worse that I've gone out before and my justification for doing so was because my PPD would be a little higher since I wasn't at home and using my systems.
That's why I don't game so much nowadays, even though I'm unemployed. Hurts the ppd too much :p

Ubernerd alert! It's a sad, sad day when I'm going out getting tanked, working on picking up girls (mothers included), and thinking about how many PpD I'm getting folding. Long live rock -n- roll my folders!!!!

-D j K i l l a-

P.S. I'll worry about my posting later when I've sobered up. Don't be surprised if my post disappeares, I'm sure I'll regret posting this tomorrow. But till then, I'm buzzed biotch!

Wow Dude. That is [H]

I'm just wondering if it's worse that I've gone out before and my justification for doing so was because my PPD would be a little higher since I wasn't at home and using my systems.

Hmm. This unfortunately has been the case for me on occassion

never really had that happen.. worst one was driving to the mountains.. was halfway there and realized i forgot to turn boinc and F@H on and turned around and drive all the way back just to turn it on.. man was that a long day..
What have I done! I just woke up and saw this post. Hard to believe what an idiot I can be sometimes. I'm also remembering a dream I had about a clock moving through space with the hands moving quickly and a street sign that says 'PpD mowing ahead!". I seriously have to stay away from the jesus juice.

On a lighter note, I enjoyed some of the [H]ard posts in this thread! Now if someone could direct me to the closest pancake house for some eggs, I'll be set to start a new day. Fold on my brothers!
Yea i cant remember the last time I gamed.....Quakecon 2009?

I have become an avid TV enthusiast......now if I could get my TV to Fold then i wouldnt know what i would do.
I have to say, your drunk typing is much more coherent than mine usually is...
Ubernerd alert! It's a sad, sad day when I'm going out getting tanked, working on picking up girls (mothers included), and thinking about how many PpD I'm getting folding. Long live rock -n- roll my folders!!!!

-D j K i l l a-

You are drunk
looking to score
your thinking about
your PPD?

That is [H] A R D !!!
I once successfully impressed a girl at a bar by talking about folding. She happened to be a med student and was working on some lab projects that involved proteins and folding. She also happened to be engaged. Alas.