I'm in a bad mood with my NF7!


Sep 14, 2002
I noticed I was running about 6 degrees higher than normal today... Ugh.

my northbridge fan failed...

Anyways, anyone have a recommendation on a good northbridge HSF? I'm leaning towards the Thermalright NB-1C. Can anyone tell me that this will fit on an NF7 with an SLK-900?

very appreciated! also, open to any suggestions on a better northbridge HS/HSF.
yes it will fit, check this out.


I thought the fan that came with the NB-1 was too loud so i slapped on an old cooler master fan from an old school AMD heatsink. It was too big so i had to put it on diagnoally and rig it on with some metal wires. It works fine and so much quieter
yea i know but it should fit, i have 2 nf7's in the other room
thats the price you pay.... the nf7 nb fans have been known to fail though... so no big loss.. my freinds went out for a few hours once.... he was kinda pissed for a while
I just ended up getting a cheap vantec fan for mine.

My original Abit fan died after about 3 months.
A piece of shit they are.
You don't even really need a fan on the NB anyways, I'm running a dual xeon board and the VRM and the NB are both passively cooled. Unless it's crashing who gives a shit.
just to comment on the original statement about temps running 6 degrees higher than normal, i think it would have somthing to do with dust
clean out that HSF and you'll see lower temps
if there is no dust or anything then maybe a change in ambient temps at your location?
I have a NF7-S and the Northbridge fan died on it a month ago I simply removed it and did not bother replacing it since the heatsink never gets more then lukewarm even after a good gaming session with BFV or Doom3.
I do have a case with good airflow though so this may be affecting my outcome.
I am running the FSB at 200 and all default voltages so your experience may differ depending on your setup.
Brando457 said:
if shit works broke, dont fix it until it isnt worken ;)

Words of wisdom. I can't tell you how many times I've broken something because I didn't leave well enough alone. Like the time I destroyed a cdrom by ripping the front of the case off to get at some led wiring without removing the cdrom first. :p