I'm in DSHell, someone fish me out...


Jan 5, 2004
Now I'm just pissed. Earlier we get a phone call while my dad is surfing the net. Well, after the phone call finishes, our DSL connection is lost! I check the modem and see that the "Internet" light is blinking, while the DSL and Ethernet light are solid. So I decide to consult SBC's "Friendly and Knowledgable" tech support via chat. Well, the person on the other end basically said, "What you're describing is due to incorrect filter installation. Check your filters and make sure they're correctly installed at all phone jacks. Thank you and have a nice day. You'll be disconnected now."


My filters have all been placed at their respective spots! So then I try disconnecting then reconnecting the DSL... nothing. Powering the modem off and on... Nothing. This is BS. If anyone has any idea, please...
My best suggestion is to drop sbc.

No, seriously. I used them for a while, then I had to get tech support one day. After 3 days of being told incorrect values ( long long story. Basically, they gave me IP information that simply can not exist ), I gave up and ordered the more expensive speakeasy service. Extra 20 bucks a month, but well worth every fucking dime.

As for your immediate concern: Has anything changed regarding your equipment up to the dsl modem? Disconnect all your phones and try again. Worse comes to worse, call SBC again, but I'd seriously only call them again to cancel my service ( were I you ).
Dropping them isnt an option, really. My 'rents only want to pay so much for service, and other places around here are charging out the ass for DSL, letalone friggen cable connection. I tried disconnecting the DSL from the filter, waited a minute, then recconected it. Nothing. This is making me mad...
sounds like signal loss due to a ton of noise... perhaps a short in the line(s) somewhere?
Have you tried disconnecting all phones from the line then trying it?

And seriously, I'd offer up the difference every month to get something else. Or I'd go dialup. Seriously, SBC is that bad.
Disconnected all phone lines and nothing. The "Internet" light isnt blinking anymore, it's just off.
so_cal_forever said:
How would I test for that?

(1) talk on one line and listen on the other for even the slightest leakage.
(2) if there's any leakage whatsoever, you've got to find where it is. this basically involves a manual inspection of every last cm of the line from the box where it connects to the street, all the way to each of the wall hookups. your best bet is to pay someone to do this, unless you like doing that stuff.